Monday, March 9, 2009

For the Record...

Reid: Republicans want Obama to fail
WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday that Republicans want President Barack Obama to fail.

“It’s very clear, they’ve made a decision they want President Obama to fail,” Reid said.

Yes. Yes we do.

Yes, we want Barack Obama's plan to turn the US into a socialist paradise with "free" health care, draconian gun control, and unfettered government control over the proles to fail - spectacularly, if possible...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Hell, even us independent/small-l-libertarians would love to see the Obama administration crash and burn...

alan said...

Well it WILL fail. Socialism always does.

The real question is how many people will die before it fails.

Anonymous said...

WANT has nothing to do with it. We KNOW socialism will fail based on its track record of failing each and every time it has been tried!

It's sort of like hoping that screaming kid in the checkout line fails to get the Snickers he's having the fit over...

Anonymous said...

Man, Lord forgive me, but everytime I read something Harry Reid says, I want to drive to Washington, and punch him right in his stupid face.

Don't forget, "The war in Iraq is not winnable."

Please, Nevada, voted this moron out at the next opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I hope this socialist plot fails as well but to me it seems this might actually go through this time. the reason i have for this is that the people of this nation voted Barack Obama in, blindly might i add, and don't truly pay attention to what is being said and take it as a plan that is guaranteed to work so they just go with the flow expecting him to make it work. Since after all bush was "so bad" we couldn't live like true Americans anymore right? despite the fact that since Obama took office unemployment has gone up as well as the national debt in this country. my advice, don't take this lightly, that is what lost us the election back in 2008. Take a look at where we are at now, is this what you want for your family or your kids family's?