Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Price We Pay...

Alabama man's 10 victims include family, strangers
(CNN) -- An Alabama man went on a shooting spree Tuesday, killing 10 people -- family members and apparent strangers -- before turning the gun on himself, officials said.

By the time Michael McLendon ended his rampage, he had fatally shot his mother and set fire to her house, killed his grandparents, his aunt and uncle, the wife and child of a sheriff's deputy, and three other people, according to the coroners of the two counties that the shooting spanned.

We have another heartbreaking story involving another mass shooting. Some unstable person, upset with their lot in life, decided it was better to go out wreaking havoc and raining death than quietly; taking innocent lives with him. Ten innocent people - some family, some random strangers - did not see the sun rise this morning because someone else had a bad day and decided to share.

What disturbs me, and I hate feeling this way, is that I read this:
He fired a 30-round burst with what appeared to be an M16, grazing Police Chief Frankie Lindsey with a bullet.

and all I can think of is, great, more fodder for the antis and another Assault Weapons ban. It angers me that I think this way - angry both at myself for thinking of the political ramifications while folks are still grieving; but also at the anti-gun side, because as certainly as the sun will rise in the East, there will be press conferences before noon decrying "assault weapons" and calling for a new ban. It wouldn't have made a lick of difference, but they'll feel like they've "done something".

Unfortunately, there's precious little we can do to prevent this kind of thing from happening. Firearms are prevalent, and there are blackmarket venues for obtaining them. More than likely always will be - the Soviet experience in Afghanistan revealed home forges churning out automatic AK-47s using primitive metalworking tools. The knowledge is out there and we won't get the genie back in the bottle.

Banning "assault weapons", whatever the criteria du jour used to define such a creature, is only going to affect those who play by the rules and obey the laws. It's not going to stop or even slow down an angry sociopath with an axe to grind and a score to settle. We can't read people's minds and determine their intent or mental health barring previous instances of instability.

And that's the most frightening aspect - we can't control it. No matter how hard we wish it were so, we simply cannot predict when a person will have had enough and passes the breaking point. Some, many, most never do. But for the outliers, the guys (and they are almost always guys) that have had all they can take and see no other way out, there's extremely little we can do about it.

Banning guns isn't the answer. It's not going to stop someone determined on a murderous rampage any more than a restraining order is going to stop an abusive spouse from playing piƱata with his ex. Placing roadblocks in front of those who would obey the laws anyways doesn't make us any safer, it merely annoys the law-abiding and placates the sheepish.

Pray for the victims today, and hope that common sense and freedom do not come under fire.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Not to cast another dark cloud on an already bad situation . . . .

Nancy Pelosi & Hillary Clinton have each said things recently whic cause me great concern.

Pelosi --> The recent smack-down of Eric Holder wanting to begin the process of reinstating an AWB
Clinton --> Don't let a good tragedy go to waste.

I see it now . . . more fodder as you predict, coupled with a 'good tragedy'. I too mourn the dead but also fear for the continued usurpation of a fundamental civil right.

- Brad

JD said...

They have been waiting for this. Hell they probably had it planned in their heads just waiting for someone to snap in this economy. Now we get to see what happens. . . Too bad the media will make the bad guy famous and fail to show how just one armed person could have stopped him. . .

Anonymous said...

"Too bad the media will make the bad guy famous and fail to show how just one armed person could have stopped him. . ."

I have said this before, here:

.... it just pisses me off that the media is once again rewarding a nut by plastering his pic/name/exploits all over the TV .....

Weer'd Beard said...

Meanwhile halfway across the world, and another planet away in a model for "sensible gun control"
a worse event happened:

They can say all they want about gun control. We can simply point to reality.

A sad day, but not a day for us to be the victims.

Jay G said...


I know. The very ominous manner in which the Brady Bunch commented about the timing of the Holder announcement WRT needing a tragedy makes me quite nervous.

If there's a copycat/followup, I'd lay about even odds on the AWB II rearing its ugly, misshapen head.


If I were a betting man, I'd say they're positively salivating over the prospect of "copycat" shootings. More shootings = more ratings + being able to help their fascist masters pass more draconian gun laws...


So far we've got the church shooting in IL and now this. There's been an escalation in the violence, and the media continues to turn these jerkoffs into rock stars. At least this guy had the common decency to off himself at the end so he doesn't get the Mumia treatment...


Thanks for pointing that out. Our German brothers and sisters are hurting as badly as we are today.

This is not about guns; it's about mental illness and the lack of viable treatment thereof...

Weer'd Beard said...

And the willingness for people to be prepared to defend themselves.

Obviously the only person at fault for these deaths are the people pulling the triggers. But one must note that both situations came to an end when the murderer was engaged by friendlies with guns.

In this case it was cops, but you and I know it didn't have to be.

TOTWTYTR said...

Weer'd posted the story I was going to refer to. Germany has very strict gun control, but it seems not to have done any good. China has very strict gun control, so we get this instead,

Banning THINGS never works, never has, never will.

Teresa said...

*sigh* I think you've covered it.

While I'm all for an armed populace, the real problem here would have been the shock to those watching it unfold.

No matter how much you prepare for something (and most never prepare for something like this) until it happens, there's no way to know how you'll react. If you have enough armed citizens around - yes, those who survive the initial assault could certainly have a good go at taking him out.

However, it looks like it was a scattered assault so those in one place had no idea of what he had done elsewhere. They would not have seen it coming or been prepared. The cops were prepared because they were getting the radio reports.

I would have loved to have seen someone with a CC license get him first. Sadly not even the cops got him - he did himself in. Now we get to live with the anti gun freaks having a field day. *double sigh*