Friday, March 13, 2009

Time Passages...

Two years ago today this blog was started. Over 1,450 posts. Roughly 75,000 curse words. Over 100 gun pr0n pictures. That's a good start, I think.

Thanks to everyone who reads, comments, and/or links to my humble scribbling. I've had the privilege of meeting a good number of folks, have exchanged e-mails, gchat, and Facebook with some as well; I have yet to come across anyone with whom I wouldn't want to have a beer. It's been a great two years; here's hoping you'll still be reading my scribblings in another two years.

Not bad for a retarded chimp banging away at an old IBM Selectric...

That is all.


Sigboy said...
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Sigboy said...

I only come because it's like a train wreck, you want to look away, but you can't.

Jay G said...


I don't mind serving as a cautionary example...

Anonymous said...

You're a good man, Jay, with a fine blog. I keep reading because I fully expect the morning commute to be too much for you one day, causing you to purchase a monster truck, and do some Audi Quattro yuppie-crushing on your way to work one morning.

Until then (and well after, depending on if you're allowed to post from prison), I'll be reading.

Lissa said...

Congrats, Jay! Many happy returns!

Anonymous said...

Keep it up, Jay!

It's when you stop complaining about Massachusetts drivers that I will begin to worry....

Mike W. said...

Congrats Jay! You're Nuts, and that's why I read!

Anonymous said...

As a daily reader, I would like to say congratulations and thank you!
KDT left a big whole in my daily internet and your helping to fill it in quite nicely!

RW said...

Kudos, buddy.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, you're a blog-toddler now!

J.R.Shirley said...


BobG said...

Congratulations; I've been reading your stuff before you got your own blog.

Bob S. said...

Congrats on your blog b-day. Two years is quite an achievement.

NotClauswitz said...

Way to go man, you in shape!

phlegmfatale said...

Well done, old bean!

RW said...

Did you see this?

Murphy said...


Anonymous said...

And you have not gone stark raving mad yet... or least, you have not gone more stark raving mad... I guess that is something.

Congrats, regardless ;).

Home on the Range said...

Thanks for being the kind of guy my mother warned me about.

Here's to the next two years of political incorrectness, bad cars, good music and bayoneted teletubbies.


Anonymous said...

Extra helping of bacon and ice cream for you sir. Well done.

breda said...

Whoohoo! Congrats! You get better every day.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jay!

Guess I've been hanging around here for quite a while.

agg79 said...

Congrats! Outstanding job of keeping the fires burning.

Illegitimis nil carborundum!

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Now you can start talking like, "Back in the OLD days when I started a blog we didn't have these fancy keyboards. We had to post with stone tablets using chisels!"

Jay G said...

And we LIKED it!

Thanks everyone. Your kind words mean a lot to me.

Even those of you who called me nuts...


Unknown said...

Kudos to one of my favorite gunnie blogs!!!!
