Saturday, April 11, 2009

Because Life is Short...

...and your children's childhood is even shorter, sometimes you just gotta give in a little...

Which is why we're heading to Friendly's for breakfast today. They asked, very nicely; daddy gives 'em a treat. Besides, we've off to do errands anyways, and might as well start with something fun, right?

They'll remember M&M pancakes from Friendly's, toast and raisins @ home, not so much...

That is all.


agg79 said...

Bad for the cholesterol, good for the soul. Life's to short to skimp on spending time with young 'uns.

A great dad makes time for his kids.

Jay G said...

Heh. I just had coffee. The kids are resilient enough to tolerate a greasy breakfast once in a while...

Christina RN LMT said...

I miss Friendly's. They don't have 'em here.