Thursday, April 16, 2009

Compare and Contrast...

Here's one set of protests and the pursuant media coverage:

Thousands Protest Bush Policy

Cities jammed in worldwide protest of war in Iraq

150 peacefully protest president's speech

Soldier's mom digs in near Bush ranch

Groups Against Stem Cell Veto Protest During Bush Visit

Thousands Nationwide Protest Bush

Protest decries 'global-warming cover-up'

And here's another:

Hundreds of LIers turn out for TEA party tax protest

4,000 protest taxes, spending at Michigan Capitol

Hundreds turn out for 'tea party' protest at Southlake Town Square

Taxpayers resist Obama’s tax plan with tea party protests

Hey, robots, use your brain instead of blindly protesting

Nationwide 'tea party' protests blast spending

Tax Day Sparks Tea Party Protest Across Country

So what's the difference between the two? I'll let the linked articles tell the story...
  • Across the country, whipped up by conservative commentators and bloggers, tens of thousands of protesters staged "TEA parties" from Boston to Iowa to Salt Lake City.
  • Granholm told reporters she didn't believe the protests represented a genuine grassroots uprising. "I think they're orchestrated by a certain slice of the far right. And it's been well documented that they've been paid for by certain folks who have an interest in doing that," she said.
  • "They need to re-do their base so they don't just have evangelical Christians, and this is what they are doing," said 53-year-old Ann Teeter pointing to the stage from the back of the crowd. "We are deep in Republican country where people make more money than anywhere else in the country. They just don't want to pay."
  • “Overtaxed families and small businesses have had enough,” said House Republican Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, according to The Wall Street Journal. “They’ve had enough of Democrats forcing taxpayers to pick up the tab for more wasteful spending instead of working together to make the tough fiscal decisions Americans are forced to make each and every day.”
  • I don't blame the folks at Fox News for being the promotional engine behind the Tax Day Tea Party protests today.Fox has been laughable for years, and this is just another low-level stunt for ratings. These are folks who will do anything. They will even -- insert your own laugh track here -- hysterically call themselves "fair and balanced" when they have people like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly preaching the typical conservative mantra. Spare me.
  • Widely promoted by conservatives on videos and blogs, the movement appears, in part, a reflection of a general anger among people who contend the government takes too much from their pocketbooks.
  • The tea parties have also been promoted by FreedomWorks, a conservative nonprofit advocacy group based in Washington and ledby former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas.

Go ahead. Go check the first set of links for commentary on who sponsored the protests. Good luck finding any, though...

What media bias?

That is all.


RW said...

Personally, I loved how the anti-Prop 8 protests in CA were treated with kid gloves & portrayed as angry citizens using their rights to free speech....and then, yesterday's coverage.

Or, in short, when you had regular citizens protesting you had MSNBC, NYT & CNN calling them teabaggers and when you had actual teabaggers protesting they were treated as regular citizens.

Jay G said...

{gigglesnort} I don't care who you are, that's funny right there...

It's just infuriating to see the obvious bias on display. The political affiliation - as though there weren't just as many people pissed off at GWB and the Republicans at these Tea Party protests - are only mentioned for the Republicans.

No mention that the organizer of the "Million Mom March" was a close personal friend of Hillary! Clinton, f'rinstance.

Or that many of the anti-war groups receive funding DIRECTLY from Soros.

Nope, nothing to see here.

But Dick Armey lends his name to a movement, and brother, that's front page news?

Err, no.

RW said...

Gutfeld grand slam.

RW said...

Breitbart: "Three short months ago “dissent is patriotic” was the rallying cry of the media and the left. Now they’re the enforcers of government mandated conformity."

That's my new credo.

Jay G said...

Yeah, it's pretty amazing how quickly dissent went from "patriotic" to "racist"...

And notice, now "homegrown terrorists" (also known as anyone not towing the leftwing line) have rocketed back into the position of public enemy #1.

Kinda like, oh, during the Clinton years. You remember, when Rush Limbaugh was responsible for the OK City bombing?

How many Clinton administration officials have found their way into the Obama administration, again?

RW said...

So you have two types of cabinet members: ex-Clintonites & tax cheats.

Hopeychange, baby.

Anonymous said...

RW, that's redundant - still only one type.