Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hate To Say It, But...

...I told you so.

Pelosi pledges compromise on assault weapons ban
The ball is in Congress's court to craft a compromise in reinstating regulations on assault weapons, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) acknowledged Tuesday.

During an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America," Pelosi said that the Congress will work to find some middle ground between the previous ban, which expired in 2004, and the precedent laid by the Supreme Court in a ruling enumerating more concrete gunowners' rights last term.

"We have to find some level of compromise," Pelosi said, citing 53 victims of gun violence nationwide in less than a month. "And we have to rid the debate of the misconceptions people have about what gun safety means."

Focus on the buzzwords. "Compromise" - meaning BOHICA. "Gun Safety" - meaning the only way to be safe is to ban all guns. Notice the dancing in the blood of the victims - and bear in mind that 5 of those 53 were the shooters themselves...

It's coming. And it's going to be a LOT worse than the first one.

This is what really scares me:
Pelosi indicated that new regulations might entail registration and prohibitions on transporting some firearms across state lines.

That's NFA territory, folks. Get ready for some severe incursions into our 2A rights. The gains we've made in the past 10 years are about to become moot... They have the means; they have the votes; and thanks to a handful of lunatics with guns, they have popular support for more, over-reaching gun control.

Video of Pelosi's comments can be found here. They start talking about gun control about halfway through the video. She makes sure to mention the number of people killed. She wants guns registered. She doesn't want guns crossing state lines. This is, quite plainly, unprecedented.

They are certainly not going to let this "crisis" go to waste...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Yep, they are determined to get our guns... No question, no doubt. Pelosi is leading the pack, and I really hope she forces the issue, because it IS the third rail of politics.

Anonymous said...

53 in a month? *shock awe horror blood*

I know we all know the numbers, but they do bear repeating sometimes.

30,000 people die from gunshots each year. Just over half of those are self-inflicted, so about 14,000 annually from crime.

That's over a thousand a month.

What makes these 53 special?? Oh, right! Media coverage!

Jay G said...

Old NFO,

Prices on pretty much all semi-auto rifles have gone through the roof (SRSLY? $700 for a WASR-10???).

Ammo is scarce and quite pricey.

And now they're talking about another ban...

Either the Democrats are making a helluva power grab, or they're on the take from Remington, Winchester, Bushmaster, and/or Colt...


Exactly. We'll also conveniently ignore the roughly 3,500 people who died on our nation's streets as a result of car accidents, too...

Anonymous said...

35,000, Jay. 35 THOUSAND.

Jay G said...

Oops, forgot to quantify.

3,500 people dieed in the same one-month span as the mass shootings.

(based on roughly 45K/year automobile deaths).

Asphyxiated Emancipation said...

No. I won't do it. Pelosi *spit* can go to Hell. I've "compromised" all I am going to.

Comrade Misfit said...

It is not going to happen. Pelosi doesn't have the votes for any of that in the House. The votes are not there in the Senate.

This is nothing more than classic "mollifying of the far-out base" in her district, of the same kind that the GOP used to do when they'd blather on about Constitutional amendments to ban flag-burning or gay marriage or abortion.

Pelosi's comments will get her some support from her base and it will enable the NRA to raise more money.

At the end of the day, nothing is going to happen.

Jay G said...

Y'know, I keeping hearing that. "They don't have the votes".

I wish I could believe that.

I see the incessant drumbeat of stories about these shootings in the media, and can't help but think that it's only a matter of time before they *do* have the votes.

And when (not if) they do, they're going to bring the hammer down HARD.

This is the PERFECT time to vote in another ban - there's a year and a half until the next election. That's several dozen political lifetimes.

1994 the AWB was passed in September, less than two months before the mid-term elections. The anger from the ban hadn't subsided yet.

They hit us now, 99.9% of the population will have forgotten all about it by Nov. 2010.

Comrade Misfit said...

Jay, I think you're wrong. In `89, after some shooting, the first Bush Administration floated the idea of a AR ban. The congressman in Vermont, a Republican, said he thought it was a good idea. He was booed at parades and he said that he thought his stance on banning assault rifles would not hurt him politically.

He was so wrong. I knew people who registered to vote just to vote against Smith, including some guys who were in their 40s and 50s and who had never bothered to vote before.

Look at the states that have Democrats in the Senate. Can you imagine Jon Tester (D-MT) voting for a gun ban? Or Mark Begich (D-AK)? Those are just two.

The congressmen and senators know that while a lot of people won't remember who voted for a gun ban now come next year's elections, the gun lobby will. There will be signs in every gun shop and rifle range.

But it is up to *us* to remind them, now.

chris said...

to be fair, i am almost 100% sure that the "crossing state lines" thing is in reference to the law that they are trying to pass in DC that would allow DC residents to buy guns in bordering states because there are no FFL shops in DC...

but she is too damn stupid to know what she is talking about.