Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Blog!

Commenter Bob S. is now fellow blogger Bob S., having gone and taken the plunge. He says:
Just wanted to let you know that I've taken the step of becoming a blogger myself. I appreciate you posting my BAG Day purchase, seeing it up on your blog was the final straw in pulling the trigger on my own insane scribblings.

I've decided to call it 3 Boxes of B.S. - Soap Box, Ballot Box and Ammo Box --An average person's view on society, politics and firearms.

Now, I'll let Bob make the call, but that certainly sounds like I might be able to claim a third blogchild... ;) He took the highly unorthodox step of e-mailing me and telling me that he had me blogrolled - most unexpected... Were that more to follow that unusual method... ;)

So please welcome 3 Boxes of B.S. to the MArooned blogroll!

That is all.


Bob S. said...


I might be a child of many fathers but if you want to claim credit for someone like me...go ahead.

Seriously, there are many bloggers out there that I owe thanks for helping me get started. JR at A Keyboard and a .45; Weer'd Beard, New Jovian Thunderbolt, and many others.

Reading everyone's blogs, commenting and being encouraged to do more then comment was impetus.

Thanks for the link, it's greatly appreciated Sir.

Mike W. said...

Glad to see you've started you're own Bob.

You've certainly got a regular reader here.

Old NFO said...

I'll be there too. Looks interesting! :-)