Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Twenty, Twenty, Twenty Four Hours to Go!

It's almost here. That magical day of the year where we all get a free pass to go out and spend money on something that goes boom is almost here. Tomorrow, when we wake up, it will be... Tax Day!

Oh, yeah, it'll also be Buy A Gun Day...

I'll be revealing my BAG Day purchase tomorrow (but not pics; that has to wait until Friday!). No one's guessed what it is (although I've told enough people because I'm like a little kid at Christmas), so I'll offer another huge hint: It's a gun that would make Tam ask, "Do you know who designed that gun?"


Also... If anyone wants to share their purchases, I'll be happy to pimp your pics, blog entries, etc. Shoot me an e-mail or leave a link in comments to my intro post tomorrow and I'll update throughout the day. Let's flood Al Gore's intarwebz with our stories of how we took evil gunz off the streets (and into our armories...)

That is all.


libertyman said...

Hmmm - an FN 1900? Colt 1903?

TOTWTYTR said...

Can I call it "Make a layaway payment on my AR15 day"?

Jay G said...


Your second guess *would* have been my BAG Day purchase had I not found the gun I actually bought.

It was one of those cases of I had some money for a new gun and NOTHING I wanted to buy - UNTIL I bought one. Then there were literally a half-dozen guns that I *REALLY* wanted...


I think we'll allow it, but only because it's an eeeevil black rifle.

You got a line on pre-ban magazines? I *might* have a line from an out-of-state source...

libertyman said...

Colt Woodsman? Or did you say it was a centerfire?

Weer'd Beard said...

Has anybody guessed Browning HP?

Of course saying it's a JMB Gun narrows it down by almost nothing ; ]

Dude made a LOT of guns, and made the damn things RIGHT!

zeeke42 said...

I'm guessing searching NES would find the answer.

Jay G said...


TOTWTYTR said...

I've been thinking about pre ban magazines, but getting money down towards the EBR itself has been the priority.

Email me with the information any way, if you would.