Thursday, April 30, 2009

We May Have a Winner... the ZOMG TEH SWINE FLU WILL KILL US ALL!!!!11111 category:

Original story here: Doc warns of gaps in state’s flu response

Holy Mary, mother of G-d. This has got to be the pants-shittingest, fear-mongeringest, blown-all-to-hell-out-of-proportionest headline I have ever seen in my entire life. "Killer flu" - there has been one reported death in the US, meaning that this flu has killed the same number of people as Ted Kennedy. Yet they don't refer to Fat Teddy as "KILLER SENATOR"...

How, praytell, does a virus that relies on a host "stalk" an entire state? Anyone want to tell me how that works? SRSLY? We're rapidly approaching the point where the TV news is MORE over-the-top than any parody wrought by "The Simpsons" or "The Family Guy" here, folks. When a simple flu mutation that's rather mild in comparison to past flu mutations is blown up into headlines of impending doom, we have serious problems.

I, for one, welcome our new porcine overlords, and wish to offer them my services in rounding up robust members of homo sapiens to toil in their truffle mines.

That is all.


scotaku said...


Rustmeister said...

Replace that pic with the one of John Kerry in the bunny suit, and you'd have it perfect.

Stan said...

armHOGeddon indeed

Weer'd Beard said...

That's IT! I'm popping my copy of "The Stand" in the DVD player as SOON as I get home.

Maybe compliment it with a bacon-tini!

Jay G said...

Heh. Be sure to pop a crossbow upper on your AR and you're good to go...

Borepatch said...

Don't hide your feelings, Jay. Tell us what you really think.

Anonymous said...

So we give Mexico guns and they give us a killer virus?

That's not a fair trade.

fr8dog said...

Well it gave them an excuse to pass a law to get around that pesky search warrant problem.