Wednesday, April 1, 2009


President Obama to declare martial law
President Barack Obama, speaking at a European G-20 meeting, shocked the group with the announcement that he was declaring martial law in the United States. Pointing to the unstable economy he inherited from George Bush, coupled with the recent bailouts of AIG, GM, and Fannie Mae, he announced that until further notice, the United States military would assume control of major cities as local cities and towns struggle with cuts in services.

Republican Minority Leader John Boehner, speaking at an impromptu press conference, decried the motion, citing the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits using the US Armed Forces for routine law enforcement inside the United States. He was subsequently placed under house arrest and forbidden to speak to reporters. The President condemned the act, but framed it as a necessary measure taken to prevent further bloodshed, pointing to "militia" outbreaks in Wyoming and Montana.
Okay, folks, it looks like this might be it. This may be the tipping point that sets off the second American Civil war. Rounding up your political opponents? No. We shouldn't - cannot - stand for this. Lord knows Barack doesn't need to nationalize the media - they're already there - and it's not even like the Republicans have presented any sort of roadbloack to his plans thus far as it is.

This is a pure, naked, unadulterated power grab. He's flush with his success in firing Wagoner from GM, proving that the government can shit all over private industry and no one will lift a goddamned finger to stop him. He's shown that all the government need to is write checks that the taxpayers have to back up and the rules no longer apply to him.

This. Is. Too. Far.

Martial law, in the absence of a compelling clear and present FOREIGN danger, means the end of the Republic, and time for American patriots to stand as one against tyranny. Before we all wind up in Gitmo - I guess we now know why 0bama was so hot on getting the enemy combatants out of there, eh?

I'm not saying we should all take the day off and load magazines, but we should remember the Boy Scout motto and "Be prepared"...

That is all.

PS: April Fool's!!!


wolfwalker said...


Come on, Jay. A good April Fool's joke has to be at least plausible. The penny-ante palooka in the White House hasn't got the guts to declare martial law.

Now, if you wanted to try something about how the Vermin Party had secretly rammed through a new Fairness Doctrine and all dissenting websites (like this one) were outlawed ...

JD said...

Funny, now I thought the big joke of the day was that Obama was at the G20 playing President of the USA. . . .

agg79 said...

Cute. But it would have been different/plausible if you had posted something about 0bama presenting the Queen a gift of Ginsu steak knifes.

Ross said...

Y'know, Jay, I'm reading that and thinking that I didn't hear anything on the snews this morning... and when I got to your second paragraph I looked up at the date of the post...

Nice try. My first thought was that you were posing a thought experiment, not putting up an actual post. I even went to see if the link was to the Onion...

wolfwalker said...

Now this is an effective April Fool's prank.

Jay G said...

Man, you guys are a tough crowd! :)

Got some excellent ideas for next year, though. Thanks!!!

TOTWTYTR said...

Sure, just go and post that over at NES and see what happens. I need the entertainment, really.

Jay G said...

Oh dear Lord no.

SAS and calsdad would have veins popping out of their skulls.

Jim would pop on and declare the Apple superior to all other platforms.

Half-cocked would defend the cops, even though they're not accused of anything.

Someone would be sure to POST IN ALL CAPS ZOMG!!!1111

EddieCoyle would promise to hit it.

Fooped would try to buy it.

Fred would already own two and be looking to sell a third...