Monday, May 18, 2009

I See... Dumb People...

Looks like today's just the day for stupid people left and right...

Biden Reveals Location of Secret VP Bunker
Vice President Joe Biden, well-known for his verbal gaffes, may have finally outdone himself, divulging potentially classified information meant to save the life of a sitting vice president.

According to a report, while recently attending the Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, an annual event where powerful politicians and media elite get a chance to cozy up to one another, Biden told his dinnermates about the existence of a secret bunker under the old U.S. Naval Observatory, which is now the home of the vice president.

Way to go, Shoeleather Joe...

That is all.


Sigboy said...

Funny thing about that...
While I was in the Army, stationed at Ft. Myer, VA, we were awaken at 5 am for a call out. Orders were to draw weapons, put on our battle rattle, and meet in the common area. When we arrived we were issued ammo(a VERY big deal) and marched to the helipad to wait for the birds. Where were we going? The naval observatory. hmmmm, the things you figure out later.
I think I'm gonna blog this now.

David said...

This reminds me of a scene in one of my mostest favoritest movies evah ...

Ted Striker: "My orders came through. My squadron ships out tomorrow. We're bombing the storage depots at Daiquiri at 1800 hours. We're coming in from the north, below their radar."

Elaine Dickinson: "When will you be back?"

Ted Striker: "I can't tell you that. It's classified."

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Have you seen his office's attempt at damage control?

"What the Vice President described in his comments was not — as some press reports have suggested — an underground facility, but rather, an upstairs workspace in the residence, which he understood was frequently used by Vice President Cheney and his aides. That workspace was converted into an upstairs guest room when the Bidens moved into the residence. There was no disclosure of classified information."

An upstairs workspace "behind a massive steel door secured by an elaborate lock with a narrow connecting hallway lined with shelves filled with communications equipment"?

That's not just bad damage control, that's pathetic.

Borepatch said...

Look, what's the big deal for Slow Joe? Our worst enemy wouldn't take him out, when he could be sitting in the Oval Office.

Given his, err, intellectual prowess, it would be an act of Epic Fail to harm a hair(plug) on his head.

Linoge said...

Y'know, I always just assumed there were such bunkers underneath the White House, Naval Observatory, Congress Building, and all the rest of those locations...

*shrug* :)

bobby said...
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bobby said...

(Scene opens with VP Biden sitting alone in a dark hallway deep in the television studio, next to a closed door spilling light from the bottom gap as loud and angry voices are heard through the door. The VP looks nervously up and down the hallway, and confirms that he's truly alone. And then he sits back smugly and starts to smirk.)

Joe B: "Now, he'll pay attention to me."

Scott said...

Seriously. This is news?
I and pretty much the rest of the world I'm sure already assumed there are probably underground bunkers under just about every damn federal building in DC, and the few of you who - somehow - didn't are all OMG Biden?
I see dumb people too, only not who you meant to imply...
Get a grip.