Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Travel Bleg

I just realized something. In two weeks and four days, we're leaving for our Disney vacation. That means that I will be getting on a plane for the first time in nearly ten years. I haven't flown since before 9/11, a business trip taken solo before I had kids.

Which means that my first introduction to post-9/11 air travel is going to involve to schoolkids and a tight schedule.

This does not bode well, especially since I'm not what you'd call a good flyer to begin with. What changes should I be most aware of (i.e. what's likely to get me pulled out of line fastest)? The last time I traveled by air it was a "hop out of the cab at 7:30 for an 8:00 AM flight" kinda thing. I'm guessing it's a little different now. I'm just trying to minimize the likelihood of anything interfering with our vacation goodness...

And, as it turns out, it appears I'll be meeting with both the Allens and the Wests. Nice!

That is all.


Bob S. said...

Slip on shoes for yourself and especially the kids but without the gel type supports or inserts. On X-rays those can appear to be similar to explosives.

Observe the restrictions on liquids, that seems to trip up several people.

Buck said...

Definitely with Bob on the shoe advice. Make sure everybody has on shoes that they can get into and out of and back into quickly and easily. Biggest pain in the ass in the world if you are having to deal with laces and shit like that.


Personally I wouldn't pack the first liquid anything in any quantity.

Just buy that shit after you get down there.

By the way, have you seen the Bacon Assault Rifle?

Google it. Your smilin' face was the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw it.

Anonymous said...

All of the above.

Also show up early. Bring snacks for the kids.

Maybe skip the belt. Pack all toiletries, etc. in clear plastic bags.

Try not to look too creepy. :P

Brad_in_MA said...

+1 on the shoes. Last three or four times flying, I've worn crocks. Comfortable & very easy to kick off. I do *not* recommend crocs for hoofing it around the Disney parks - not enough arch support.

+1 on liquids. My wife had some very expensive cosmetics confiscated one time. This includes things you might not consider liquid. Pack your sun block in your checked baggage.

Knife -- pack it in your checked baggage or you'll lose it to TSA.

If you have any question, you can always call the TSA hotline. Do NOT rely on the airline for this info. I've found that sometimes airline policy is different from that of TSA. I found the phone agent much more useful & polite than the gate attendees.

Peripatetic Engineer said...

Take the laptop out of the bag and put it through the x-ray separately.

No belts or shoes. Tell your wife to carry light on jewelry.

I hate the Logan TSA. The last time through we got the full Monty. Even my 10 year old grandson got a full body pat down, f'n perverts!

RipRip said...

The seats will much bigger, well at least the will seem that way now.

wolfwalker said...

I am paranoid about things-that-can-go-wrong-while-traveling, so here are some of the things I always do:

REMEMBER PHOTO ID. If you have two IDs (I do), carry them both and store them in different places, so if one gets lost or lifted you still have one.

Nothing sharp in the carry-on or your pockets.

No liquids in the carry-on or your pockets.

If you're taking a laptop, pack it so you can get to it easily. It has to come out at the security checkpoint, and go through the X-ray machine by itself.

Allow minimum two hours to get from front door to gate, including check-in, security, walking to the gate, etc.

Carry a medikit -- this can be just a plastic box a few inches square, with basic items inside like aspirin, decongestant, dramamine. Do not buy these at the airport, they cost a bomb. Don't wait until you're in the air and suffering in the low cabin pressure before deciding that you need them, either.

Carry something to read.

Carry spare cash, as you can't always count on an ATM being handy when you need it.

Second the advice on shoes. Also, be prepared to have trouble if you have a big metal belt buckle.

And don't worry too much about forgetting minor things like soap, shampoo, camera batteries, data cards. You're not going to darkest Africa, you're going to Florida. Almost anything you forget, you can replace when you get there.

beth said...

make sure you check the kid's coat pockets too for all metals.

have fun :)

Anonymous said...

I travel a LOT. Since you have kids, here is my advice:
(1) Plan on being AT the airport TWO HOURS before you leave. Schedule departure time from your home accordingly.
(2) Go through every piece of clothing, bags, etc. that your family will be carrying on, and make sure that you have NO ammo. Not even a spent cartridge. Then have your wife double check you. Even your kids's stuff - there's not telling if they picked up a cartridge somewhere.
(3) Be patient and courteous to the TSA, even if they are not to you.

West, By God said...

Just drive. :)

JD said...

All of the above and pack light on the cary on so they can search it easy. . .

ASM826 said...

Allow a 2 hour minimum in the airport to ensure you clear the TSA for boarding. Say nothing extra, display no irritation, understand that you are a suspect, and you have to convince them that you are fit to fly.

I have flown exactly once since 9/11. I will not volunteer to be treated that way again. I hope they all go bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

Decide whether or not you want to wear an NRA shirt to the airport ahead of time. This includes the flight home. Plan accordingly.

Bring snacks. F'real. Airport food sucks.

The book/magazine you pack in your carry on, when it comes down to it, you won't want to read it. Pack 2 VERY different books. (That is if you're a reader).

Make sure all the change and keys and everything go in the carry on BEFORE you try to go through security. I go through only holding my license and boarding pass.

If the luggage is heavy and has no wheels, those stupid carts may actually be worth it. I nearly lost a shoulder when we went to Orlando b/c I had a duffle bag and it weighed too much.

On that note, weigh your baggage, check on baggage fees, and don't pay extra if you don't have to.

OK I think I'm done now.

Carteach said...

All of the other advice is good, I guess. It would have all applied to the two times I have flown since 9/11.

I'll add two things...

Get there early. The TSA does not care if you make your flight. The two hour thing is no joke. That said, if you plan on being there 2.5 hours early you had best check with the airport. I flew out of Vegas, and they would only check luggage two hours before the flight, no earlier. Nor would they allow the travelor into the concourse with unchecked luggage. NOR did they have enough seating for people who got there TOO early.

Regarding the TSA.... I came to understand something very quickly. Their existance is based on their authority. Anything that challenges their authority is treated as a threat to their existance, most especially if they are wearing a white shirt with any supervisor insignia on it. If they make up a blatantly stupid rule on the spot for no good reason, there is no point in arguing with them about it.

They... can.... not... afford... to... change.... their.... ruling.

No matter how stupid it is. They cannot change their mind and alter a ruling without allowing a crack in the only thing they have, authority.

Leave you sense of dignity and self respect at home. It's not part of their game plan.

Me, I'd just drive.

wolfwalker said...

Carteach0 wrote: "Get there early. The TSA does not care if you make your flight."

You've seen this directly at Logan? TSA staffs vary from airport to airport. I've not flown in or out of Logan since 9/11, but at other airports, when the line for the checkpoint gets long, the security people walk up and down the line asking if anyone needs to make a flight soon -- as in, within the next half hour. Those who do are jumped to the head of the line.

Hunter said...

You and the MrsG are traveling with kids. That adds a great hairy ball of fun to the flying process.
1. Make it fun for the kids. See who can most neatly remove their shoes, belt, etc. and put it in their own tub.
2. Water. You can't take a bottle of water through the line, but you can take empty water bottles and fill them at the water fountains. Why pay $2.50 to $4.00 a bottle for CocaCola water (Desani)when you probably already have water bottles for running, biking, workouts, and the like.
3. Before you get to the tub-line, put your watch, rings, necklaces, belts, etc., in a zippered coat pocket or small bag. I use a travel vest just for flying. When it hits the scanner, they get to ID the surefire flashlight, my Episcopal Service cross, my small NASA pen (looks like a bullet to some), my book, my wallet, my belt, my notebook, my empty lexan .5 liter bottle, change, cell phone, glasses, and anything else that needs to be off of me.
4. I wear steel-toed boots, and other than the lacing and unlacing, I've never had a problem.
5. Keep smiling. It keeps the kids calm and confuses the heck out of the TSA agents.
6. DON'T feel any guilt at holding up the line (if it happens). YOU did not ask for this, you did nothing to cause it, and you are not the one responsible for it continuing. The TSA is the single most visibly asinine result of 9-11. Thousands Standing Around, indeed.
Have fun at Disney. And I again remind you that Cape Canaveral is only thirty minutes East of you.
Ketchikan, AK

Steve said...

Agreed on the easy on /off shoes. One thing that got me, more than once-- clean any clothing that might have cross contamination with your range bag, jacket you wear to the range, etc.

I've been pulled aside and swabbed, a la Breda's experience, because I throw my range bag in the same closet with my computer bag and coats.

Not that it will help this trip, I also try to take the first flight out in the morning (0530-ish) from any airport, less people, no lines, better chance to recover from a delay.

Old NFO said...

Only thing I can add- Take something to keep the kids occupied on the flight. And DEFINITELY be there 2 hours early... It sucks, but you do NOT want to be having to rush. Logan is not quite as bad as Newark, but it's still a PITA. Enjoy the vacation, and ship everything you can home!

agg79 said...

As a frequent traveler and Boy Scout, I can only echo what every else has said: Be Prepared. Get their early (2 hours is my rule of thumb) and be sure to allow yourself time to park the car, unload the tribe and gear, and catch the shuttle to the terminal. Check as much as you can and take watch what you take in your carry on baggage. Certain airlines have different restrictions as to what you can carry on (handbags, backpacks, laptop cases, guitars, pets, etc.) so you might want to scope out the TSA site and the airline rules. Remember that the TSA are essentially overpaid government employees with a badge and a wand who can ruin your day, so be nice to them and they will normally not cause you too much pain (but then again, Breda will debate that point). Once past the checkpoint, the adventure begins. Enjoy the trip and take lots of pictures. And ponder this: what would Mickey carry?

Borepatch said...

Buy your way through security. The TSA Clear program requires you to send in finger prints and retina scan (no joke), but then you have expedited security.

I fly a lot and haven't done this. Mostly it's because I'm irritated by the Security Kabuki.

Good advise all around - get there before you think you need to, no belts, kick-off shoes, no liquids, ix-nay on the ife-nay. Keep your patience, and remember This Is For Your Own Good.

Oh, and we drove from Massachusetts to Carolina last vacation. Didn't get patted down once. But Florida is too far to drive.

Lissa said...

Always carry Sani-wipes; airports can be icky places. Trail mix is travel food from heaven. Bring extra plastic bags -- you may not want to bring cosmetics (snerk), but you'll need to stick any eye drops or hand lotion or the wife's lip gloss in quart-sized bags. Give your kids the window seats. Bring a packet of Dramamine just-in-case, but beware -- that shit will knock you on your ASS. Headphones for the kids -- the movie they play is often kid-appropriate. Have fun!!

PeterT said...

I guess I've been spoiled by BWI and STL... I fly 6 to 8 times a year, I normally arrive 1 hour before flight time, and I always end up sitting at the gate for 1/2 hour typically. I almost exclusively fly SWA, so this may make a difference.... and I do try to avoid Friday/Monday flights....