Friday, June 12, 2009

Disney Reflections, Part IV

Part Four: Disney's Magic Kingdom, Part One

Yesterday the G. family visited the Magic Kingdom, what people most commonly think of when you hear "Disney World". This is unabashedly my favorite park; we've budgeted two whole days to MK, and have extra time left on Saturday to catch any last minute items we missed in the previous week. It's the park I most vividly remember as a kid; however its popularity comes with a price - many of the exhibits I was looking forward to seeing, like the Hall of Presidents and Space Mountain - are closed for repairs and/or renovations...

Now onto the pics!

Obligatory Kid & Character Shot

Quite frankly, I'm shocked at how well this picture turned out. Of course, with my kids, a picture is defined as a success using a very loose set of criteria:

1. Is the picture blurry? If yes, then the picture is not a success.
2. If by some miracle the answer to #1 is "no", then are both kids looking at the camera? Or is one perhaps looking 180ยบ away?

If the criteria in #1 and 2 are met, then the picture is a success. It's only a rousing success if both kids look like they're not ready to kill each other at that very instant...


Quite frankly, I was shocked to see these souvenirs still offered. I would have bet good money that, in this day and age of virulent anti-gun sentiment, the cap gun display would either be missing altogether or relegated to a small handful of dusty old guns somewhere in the very back. Imagine my surprise stumbling across this one!

Notice the trigger finger discipline on TheBoy - I'm so proud of him I could burst...

G. Family "Portrait"

Yeah, I was foolin' around with the camera and took this shot, which I figured was a passable version of a family portrait, such as it was. We're going back today with the intention of getting a Disney photog to take our picture and do it right; but for now this is what we have...

Da Castle

And. of course, BabyGirl G.'s favorite sight in the Magic Kingdom, Cinderella's castle. When she saw this as we approached the park, her squeal of delight could be heard four states over... Even TheBoy seemed to be impressed with the way it loomed in the distance as we got closer to the actual park. He refrained from torturing his sister for five whole seconds because of it...

So tomorrow's Part II of our Magic Kingdom experience. Expect to hear more about the electric strollers for lardasses; and the latest teen trend in expressing your individuality by dressing exactly like everyone else...

That is all.


scotaku said...

JayG, these updates are excellent and timely, as we're headed down there in just a few weeks. I hope that HoP and SM are open by then: I've been there but the kids have not, and I don't know when we're going to get back.

I hope that the rest of your trip is marvelous, and that you only have good AARs to file.


Old NFO said...

Good ones :-) ANYTIME the kids aren't trying to kill each other is GOOD!

bogie said...

The first thing I noticed in the cap gun pic wa that TheBoy kept his finger off the trigger - good for him and good for his teacher!