Monday, June 1, 2009

Help A Blogger Out...

As y'all may have guessed, I'm going to be out of regular contact starting Saturday. I'd like to have a couple of posts for your enjoyment each day, with the intention of posting a vacation/Disney related post each day in addition.

However, with all of the preparation for the trip, my brain has pretty much turned to tapioca...

As such, I'm having trouble coming up with topics about which to expound. That's where your help is needed. What hard-hitting topics would you like me to cover? What questions do you need answered? Cars, guns, motorcycles, you name it.

Here's your chance to stump the MAhole.

That is all.


Unknown said...

I want to hear about how this current administration running the country is going to get thrown out of power followed by a proper tar and feathering.

Sigboy said...

In the spirit of bikes and guns, what is the best way to carry firearms on a bike? Also, could you describe how to properly mount a pistol gripped shotgun on your hog?

Bob S. said...

How about a post on why you carry?

Anonymous said...

Here's a few off the top of my head:
- carrying on vacation: pros/cons, preparation, etc.
- summer carry: clothing, holsters, things that work for you.
- carrying while on the motorcycle (or bicycle for that matter): a how to and how its different.

Borepatch said...

What's .25 ACP for? And can you find it for less that $50/box of 50?


ZerCool said...

Proper caliber selection for man-sized rodents.

Or how about how you ended up being a Mass gun nut...

Jay G said...

Bless you all. There's at least a week's worth of excellent posts there. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me this week!

Brad_in_MA said...


I'll play devil's advocate - blog about why Judge Sotomayor *should* be confirmed. {/ducks}

- Brad

WW Paul said...

I read your blog everyday and I like it.

Why not take the time off and enjoy your vacation?

Jay G said...


That's a fair question. Actually, this exercise is so that I *can* enjoy my vacation - I want to have the week loaded up before I even leave for the airport.

I intend to post once or twice a day while on vacation basically as a vacation reminder to myself - basically a running log of what happened when, what we liked and didn't like, etc. I have a feeling we'll be doing this trip again in the future, and I think having the record somewhere will be helpful...

Plus, hey, what can I say? I'm an exhibitionist at heart... ;)

Unknown said...

You're going to Florida...

Seems fitting to do the "Top 10 Convertibles"

KurtP said...

Haven't heard much of Ford lately.
How are they doing without Uncle Barry's guidence?

DJ said...

Jay, I'd like to hear what types/styles/brands of ammunition you feed your fine .22 rimfire firearms.

Inquiring minds, and all that...

Lissa said...

How about the top-ten worst cars that Baby G's first boyfriend might drive? Might be a cross between muscle cars and liberal pansymobiles :)