WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A mystery surrounding the whereabouts of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford was apparently solved late Monday when a Sanford spokesman said he was hiking along the Appalachian Trail.
"I apologize for taking so long to send this update, and was waiting to see if (we had) a more definitive idea of what part of the trail he was on before we did so," Joel Sawyer said in an e-mail to reporters.
Sanford's whereabouts were unaccounted for Monday when he stepped out of the public eye following a bruising session with the state Legislature. Even his wife, Jenny, said she did not know where he was, The Associated Press reported, according to The State newspaper in Columbia, South Carolina.
They report this like it's a bad thing. Personally, I'd like to see our Governor take a hike...
Anyone want the over-under on whether or not this "hike" turns out to be a chesty blond? I didn't think so... In all seriousness, I didn't know that the governor could just ditch a security detail and take off - and certainly not in a police car. That's definitely pegging my Bullshit-o-meter - why did this guy need to take a squad car to... go hiking?
In any case, I can safely say that many residents of Massachusetts would pay quite handsomely for a can of:

(apologies for poor - read: non-existent - photo manipulation skillz. Y'all get the idea...)
That is all.
This story was like that episode of "Reno911!" when the Lt. Gov.'s brother was missing, but he was just at the casino in Reno.
Shootin' Buddy
Maybe we can get the Feds to discount admission to all the national parks for government officials -- heck maybe even free.
I sure would like to see most government officials take a hike. Once they are out of the office, we could sneak in and change the locks.
It's South Carolina. They do things different there. I have no trouble believing the governor ditched his security detail. And the "South Carolina Law Enforcement Division vehicle" is probably a car/SUV bought by the state for officials to use while on state business, not a fully-marked-up-and-loaded-down patrol cruiser.
"Anyone want the over-under on whether or not"
No Deal. I already lost my shirt on this one.
I thought it was a lock that he'd be found in a Tijuana No-Tell with a couple of midgets and a donkey.
Oh wait, not Gov. Jim Doyle? Sorry, nevermind.
Don't blame him a bit. Politics today is so nasty I'm surprized more don't do it from a bunker. At some point you just don't care -you turn off the dang cellphone and head out. If it were me I'd be on the back of a good horse with a few guys from security and a guide, heading out into the wilderness. Push comes to shove, there's a Lt. Gov, the rest you have to do for yourself or go crazy. Carole Clarke in MD
"And the "South Carolina Law Enforcement Division vehicle" is probably a car/SUV bought by the state for officials to use while on state business, not a fully-marked-up-and-loaded-down patrol cruiser."
Another article I read stated essentially what wolfwalker said. It was a black Suburban assigned to his security detail.
The only thing wrong in the story is that everybody -i.e. staff and wife - who needed to know where he was going, DID know.
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