Monday, July 13, 2009

{Blink}{Blink} Whut the Hell?

Saudi family sues genie, alleges harassment
(CNN) -- A family in Saudi Arabia has taken a genie to court, alleging theft and harassment, according to local media.

The lawsuit filed in Shariah court accuses the genie of leaving them threatening voicemails, stealing their cell phones and hurling rocks at them when they leave their house at night, said Al-Watan newspaper.

Am I the only one who sees an incongruity between "genie" and "cell phones"?

Folks, if you believe in technology to the point of carrying around a cell phone, it's probably time to stop believing in fairies ("Oh Lisa, those are imaginary, like elves, gremlins, or Eskimos"). On the plus side, it is heartening to see that the "batshit crazy" genre of news item isn't limited to American and British newspapers...

That is all.


smijer said...

Damn atheist.

Old NFO said...

LOL- Half the country is STILL living in tents... and have camels tied outside, but the have cell phones and satellite dishes!

Jay G said...


Atheist? Not me. Just general snarky bastard and all-around asshole... ;)

Old NFO,

Basically they'd need a camel up on blocks to qualify as white trash... ;)

Anonymous said...

They CAN'T stop believing in them. These beings are spoken of in their Sacred Texts... as are quite a few others.

smijer said...

I know people who not only carry cell phones, but actually program them... who believe in Angels and Demons (I guess the Demons are more djinn-like), virgin births, and a worldwide flood.

Keith said...

I had a Navajo who worked for me. He chose to have 115 dollars taken out of his check every week for blue cross blue shield on him and his family. But when he got sick he had to go back to Arizona for three weeks so he could have two ceremonies done with a full moon in between them, because the steel gods were angry with him. Ignoring the money he was spending on modern medicine, I'm pretty sure the navajo were a stone aged people and i really don't know were the steel gods came in. It's just something that's been bugging me.

Paul, Dammit! said...

I know that genie; he was stealing all my ideas by intercepting brain waves.

What do you call these kind of people? Do they wear tinfoil turbans?

TOTWTYTR said...

What did Barbara Eden ever do to them?

Jay G said...

She made them feel funny in the thobe...

TOTWTYTR said...

Me too, but I wouldn't sue her for it!