Friday, July 17, 2009

D'OH! #2

Sessions' 'crack cocaine' comment cracks up crowd
WASHINGTON — Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions' comment on crack cocaine cracked up the crowd. The top Republican at Judge Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court hearing was talking about trying to schedule a Judiciary Committee hearing on the disparity between the sentencing of powder cocaine abusers and crack cocaine users.

Sessions said he and Democratic Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont were "going to do that crack cocaine thing."
Oh, those crazy Republicans, always joking about their cocaine habits...

Once again, I reiterate:

Politicians saying stupid things. Whatever is this world coming to?

That is all.

1 comment:

smijer said...

Honestly, I was just amazed that Sessions agreed to work on reducing disparity in crack sentencing in the first place. I saw the vid this morning, and my first thought was "what the f?" - but when I found out what he was about, I laughed and forgave him the small error... Unfortunately, he still has a lot of history to be forgiven for, and I'm not in the group that he needs to be seeking forgiveness from.