Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Gunnie Pet Peeves...

I don't know what it is. I just seem to have run across a whole slew of pet peeves since my last post, so I figured a follow-up was due.

  • "Throwdown gun". Look, this isn't a cheap 1980s detective TV show. The only thing we gunnies need less than a "throwdown" gun is a bunch of people talking about needing/wanting/having a "throwdown" gun... If you honestly think you might need an unpapered gun to use in such a manner, sell your guns and take up knitting, because you have no effin' clue what self-defense really means.

  • "Rolling your own". Okay. I understand. You reload. That's great. I'd love to get into reloading at a point down the road. However, hearing "you really need to start reloading" as the answer to every single question - including those that aren't asked - gets tiring after a while. I know my limitations, and right now, I don't have the time to devote to reloading that I know I need. Respect that, thank me for my brass, and we'll coexist just fine...

  • "What's the best gun for". You know, it doesn't really matter what the last word in that question is. Could be "my wife". Could be "bear". Any time I see someone as "What's the best gun for X?" I cringe. There are hundreds if not thousands of different models of firearms on the market today, and for any given purpose, even heavily specialized purposes, there's at least two or three dozen different guns that are very well-suited for that purpose.

  • "If you don't train 168 hours a week you shouldn't own a gun". Hey, look, training is important. I wish I had the time to both attend more classes and spend more time on the range. I'd love to get into IDPA or another "active" shooting discipline. As it is, I'm lucky to get to the range once or twice a month to shoot at paper targets and the occasional orange clay. But I don't need training to tell me that when the shit hits the fan, I'm going into "fight" rather than "flight" mode.

  • "You'll hurt a .22 more by cleaning it than by shooting it". I suppose if I had a 10/22 I was putting 2,000 rounds a week through this might be true. However, I'm guessing that the 100 rounds a month/single cleaning session a month that the vast majority of my .22 firearms endure (and some significantly less than that!) will mean that they'll be wearing out about the same time that the sun goes out and the Earth becomes a lifeless ball of ice and mud...

  • "We need to stick together for the revolt/revolution/Civil War II/etc." Okay, look. I hate what's going on down in Washington as much as the next raving lunatic guy. But it's not revolution time. Not even close. Call me when they're rounding people up and sending them to gulags; we'll talk then. Bureaucrats have been overreaching and trying to consolidate power for well over 150 years now. It's what they do...

  • "Shoot them in the hand/leg/whatever". Alternately called the "Roy Rogers" or "Lone Ranger" school of media beliefs on guns, the canard that, in a gun fight, one would have time to deliberately aim for a smaller target (hand) than a larger one (chest/head). IOW, pure, unadulterated Hollywood hogwash.

  • Pictures/videos of folks shooting without eye/ear protection. I feel the same way when I open a motorcycle magazine and see some yutz riding a $50,000 custom bike with no eye protection. It's irresponsible, and in many places illegal (motorcycle). On the range, shooting without eye protection is gambling with your damn sight, and that's just stupid. Ear protection, well, if you really like tinnitus, be my guest...

Okay, that's all the pet peeves for now. I'm sure I'll come up with more soon, so look for the next installment in "Gunnie Pet Peeves"!

That is all.


Robb Allen said...

If you reloaded your own ammunition (like I do), you wouldn't be so bothered by all that.

Mike W. said...

Any time I see someone as "What's the best gun for X?" I cringe.

Unless you hear "What's the best gun for a rampaging chimp?" then you laugh instead of cringe.

breda said...

crabbyJay is crabby :D

Unknown said...

Don't forget the assholes who show up at the range to show off their new gun to their friends and use targets that you put up use for yourself and then leave. Believe it or not, there are such lowlifes.

Bob S. said...

Another one that I encountered - A salesman who tells me after I've researched the firearm I wanted to buy, asked for it by exact model number -- that "That isn't the gun you want to is a POS".

knitalot3 said...

Hey! We don't want those people to take up knitting either! ;-P

Anonymous said...

Shot twice without ear protection. First time was a silenced Glock, just to see what it was like. Second time was a 20in AR. Not so loud it would cause my ears to bleed or anything, but outside of a self defense situation where I can't put ear protection in, I'd like to avoid doing it ever again.

zeeke42 said...

I agree with most of what you say. I agree that there shouldn't be a training requirement to own a gun. I just point out, that without training, having a gun isn't the protection many people think it is. I learned that real quick the first time I trained force on force. I knew it intellectually before that, but taking a few training rounds brought the point home rather strongly.

Anonymous said...

I call Jay's brass at the blogger shoot!

Anonymous said...

@Mike W. - I actually live in an area where, sadly, "What's the best gun for a rampaging chimp?" was a valid question.

Weer'd Beard said...

You only say that because you sold your throwdown gun to me! ; ]

Also today being as I am on vacation, and it was shitty rainy out, I put First Blood into the Armory DVD player and cranked out 200 rounds of .45 ACP ; ]

You should reload!

Strings said...

Actually, on the idea of "the revolution": there won't BE any "sticking together". It'll look like the standoff scene at the end of Reservoir Dogs

Although that wouldn't bother you if you reloaded for your throwdown gun...

And I could picture the "throwdown" thing working without "planting". Goes like this...

"well officer, I drew my top break .32 Iver Johnson primary, and he got it away from me. So I had to go for my Kimber Ultra-Carry backup"...

TOTWTYTR said...

The whole "revolution" thing drives me nuts, too. It's not only incredibly premature, it makes gun owners sound like nitwits. Which most aren't, but sadly, the ones that are seem to spend a lot of time posting on internet forums.