Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday Gun Pr0n #123

Today's gun pr0n is one of the many fine guns at the Second Annual Northeast Bloggershoot. In fact, it was my personal favorite, surpassing even the select-fire weaponry as sheer fun:

Shortie Shottie

Yeah, I know, buckshot with clays, not very fitting. I just liked the see-through S&B shells, and the thought of using a pistol-gripped, 14" barreled Mossberg 590 to shoot skeet just kicked over my giggle box...

My blogson liked this particular picture better, owing to the more appropriate use of this fine weapon:

Buh-Bye, Z

Yeah, this'd make one fine zombie stomper...

That is all.


libertyman said...

One of the nice things about it is that it fits in a takedown shotgun case --- and you don't have to take it down!

Borepatch said...

And the see-through double aught buckshot is just exactly right for Mr. Zed there!

PeterT said...

Is that an 'AOW', 5$ tax stamp + the paperwork waiting period?

libertyman said...

Yes it is an AOW, and $5.00 will do it.