Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Gun Pr0n #125

Today's rockin' gun pr0n is one of the marvelous toys from the Northeast Bloggershoot earlier this month:

Colt 9mm Subgun

This is, per owner Wally's description, "a retro build of a Colt 635SD". That's a suppressor on the end of that 9mm carbine there. It makes wonderful "brass rainbows" - yes, it is a completely legal select-fire weapon. We decided it would make an excellent zombie defense gun - the suppressor won't give away your six to the other zeds, and the rapid-fire will make short work of even the freshest zombie brain pan.

It's also about the most fun you can have with your clothes still on...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Bought one one those at the Creek back in the middle '90's. Lots o' fun.

Wally said...

I'z quite flattered :)

Weer'd Beard said...

After Andrew's Suppressed Glock, that heater was my most favorite from the shoot!