Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Psst: Good Deal Alert!

Larry's got such a deal for you!
It looks like there is enough interest, so I’m going to order a bunch more copies of Monster Hunter International. You can order them direct from me, and if you want your autograph personalized at all, just include that in the ordering notes.

I’m going to charge cover price $7.99 + $4 for shipping and handling. (it looks like I can mail a paperback for $2.50 something + I’ve got to buy the padded envelopes, and figure most of you will probably pay with Paypal so that should cover the fees).

Got it? You can get an autographed copy of Monster Hunter International, signed by the man himself, for a whopping $12. You say you've already ordered MHI from Amazon? Good! Give that copy to someone else to spread the MHI goodness and enjoy an autographed copy.

Remember, the goal is to encourage Larry to write more...

That is all.


Christina RN LMT said...

I'm way ahead of you, Jay! Ordered two copies, one for me and one for my daughter. :)
Don't forget to mention he has more patches, too.

Jay G said...

I want the patches for me...


wolfwalker said...

I read MHI last week -- took it on a trip as an airplane book.

Gotta say I wasn't all that impressed. It's a great airplane book, a.k.a. "beachbum thriller" -- but for an experienced reader of fiction by master authors, MHI falls quite a bit short in the character and story departments. I mean, he telegraphed the ending so bad even I could see it coming, and I'm not exactly good at spotting such things.

Christina RN LMT said...

Well two of the patches will be headed my way, so there's no way you're gonna get them all!

Larry Correia said...

Wolfwalker, good thing that you're so much smarter and literate than all my other readers! :)

And btw, I never tried to hide the ending from the reader. The only person who wasn't aware of it was the POV character.