Saturday, August 8, 2009

Quick Bleg...

Since my $12 USB keyboard that I bought to go with the Eee has been appropriated for the home laptop, I'm back in the market for a plug-in keyboard to travel with the Eee. I'd like to get something that will fit in the little case that the Eee travels in, but would prefer to get a "real" keyboard. I'm thinking something like this, a keyboard that folds in half for transport.

I've heard bad reviews in general of the "roll-out" style flexible keyboards, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm not really looking to drop a ton on the keyboard, but I don't mind paying a little more for something that comes highly recommended and will last. Oh, and I'd ideally like to have it in the next week or so before I leave for vacation...

So, anyone have any ideas?

That is all.


TOTWTYTR said...

The roll outs are a good idea, but not a great execution. You need to keep them completely flat or you will get false key strokes. Plus, despite their hype, they are not indestructible or even close.

Personally, I just got used to using the smaller keyboard on the Netbook, but I wouldn't mind a nice portable keyboard.

Justin Buist said...

My dream portable netbook setup that I can actually type on would be an Eee w/ the Apple Bluetooth keyboard.

However that'd be a little silly as the keyboard will cost about 1/3rd what the Eee does.

The Big Guy said...

Wait, what?
ANOTHER vacation...?

Bad enough that you rub the "wife locking the door" thing in our collective faces, and now another vacation.


Lucky, lucky bastard.


Anonymous said...

TBG +1

Anonymous said...

Pardon the long URL, ths shortening sites are blocked at work...

There's a few of these floating around the office, people seem pretty pleased with them.


Anonymous said...

Pardon the long URL, ths shortening sites are blocked at work...

There's a few of these floating around the office, people seem pretty pleased with them.
