Saturday, August 1, 2009


The guns'll come out Tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar That tomorrow
There'll be guns!

Just thinkin' about Tomorrow
Loads the magazines
And the range bag
'Til they're full!

(okay, that's enough of that...)

Yep. T-minus 25½ hours to the start of the Second Annual Northeast Bloggershoot. Woo Hoo!

I dunno 'bout the rest of y'all, but after the week/month/year I've had, I need this baaaad... ;)

One note from doubletrouble, our esteemed host and benevolent benefactor. The approach to the sooper-seekrit private range (hereby designated Area 12) is, uh, shall we say, on the rough side (those who were there last year know what I mean). Given the inhospitable winter and soggy spring and summer, it hasn't gotten much better.

What this means is that no matter what you drive, take it slow and careful. And if you have the choice between a truck and a car, take the truck.

And I'll see you all tomorrow. W00t!!!

That is all.


Bruce said...

Yeah, I'm thinking "no" on the Odyssey.

zeeke42 said...

Unfortunately, my only car is a car. Hopefully I can make it in and out without ripping pieces off.

Jay G said...

You've got a little car, tho'. You can pack it in if needed...


Anonymous said...

Zeeke, meet me at the entrance and we can toss your car in the back of my truck. :P

TOTWTYTR said...

Lissa was able to make it in her little car last year, but if it's worse this year, cars are definitely risky.

If we need to, I'm sure we can ferry people down to the site.