Friday, September 25, 2009

Call the Czar of Not Getting It...

Obama says Iran breaking rules on nuclear programs
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- The United States, France and Britain have presented "detailed evidence" to the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog that "Iran has been building a covert uranium enrichment facility," President Obama said Friday.

Obama, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and French President Nicolas Sarkozy -- all in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for a G-20 economic summit -- accused Iran of intentionally hiding its nuclear facilities from the International Atomic Energy Agency.

I love that headline. "Breaking rules". My kids break the rules when they run in the house or talk back. Iran is barrelling full speed ahead with a program designed to make nuclear fucking weapons, and CNN treats it like they're staying up past their bedtime. We're talking about nukes in the hands of terrorists here, and CNN wants to send them for a time out in the corner.

Worst of all, it's not confined to CNN:
Obama has already said that "serious sanctions" are a possibility if Iran fails to adequately address the nuclear issue.

"Serious sanctions". You. Have. Got. To. Be. Shitting. Me. Unless "sanctions" is a code word for "let the Israelis bomb these crazy mofos into glass", you're doing it wrong. We've done sanctions. It's abundantly clear that Ahmadinejad treats sanctions the way a baby treats a diaper. The time for sanctions has passed, and it's time for action now. Talk continues to be cheap. The only thing that's going to settle this is a show of force, and I would vastly prefer it be OUR force showing them rather than the obverse...

Remind me, again, about how that imbecile Bush was a simpleton for having Iran on the "Axis of Evil"?

That is all.


TOTWTYTR said...

The Iranians and most of the rest of the world are laughing at Obama behind his back. Very shortly, they will be openly laughing at him and the American voters for putting him in office.

Worst. President. Ever.

It's going to take years, billions of dollars, and thousands of lives to undo the damage to the country.

Hopefully, the damage to the Democrats will be permanent, but somehow I doubt it.

Jay G said...


Reputo said...

I'm a Racist too! (Now you don't have to shout it at me after my comment.)

Unfortunately, our lack of a focused mission plan for Iraq and Afganistan has left the US very weary of any further military action. Currently, it doesn't look like Obama has the balls to order more troops to Afganistan when the commander he appointed is requesting them. I am afraid that Israel will probably have to take care of this one again. At least they don't care what the rest of the world thinks of them when it comes to their survival.

If the world keeps demanding that we be the policeman/cleanup crew, I am of the opinion that we make an ultimatum: If countries wish to be our friend, great, free trade for all and we will both get rich. If countries attempt to harm us or our friends, we nuke you. Not just one or two tactical nukes. I am talking about blanketing the country in mushroom clouds. If terrorists harm us and they are staying in another country, that country has 30 days to cough up their heads (disconnected from their bodies) or we will nuke them (again, carpet bomb nuking). We could solve so many problems this way - end overpopulation, reduction in nuclear stockpile, returning land to greenspace, etc. etc.

notDibert said...


" Serious Sanctions" ---

Be verrrry afraid...

Thoose are just like Normal U. N. Resolutions but on better paper and they have ribbons and a wax seal.

....WOW ...The Mullahs must be shaking in thier sandals now.

If they're not careful the U.N. will send in some more Lawyers with Blue Helmets.

Anonymous said...

rather than the obverse..

I think you meant reverse