Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School!

Hear that? Thousands upon thousands of happy sighs echo across the land - it's the first day of school! Two and a half months of freedom now brutally curtailed to two days a week as our wee bairns are packed back into the cattle chutes school buses and sent off to school. And the parents are breaking out celebratory bottles of champagne throughout the land...

BabyGirl G. starts first grade today; TheBoy starts third. This is a big year for both of them, with BabyGirl G. starting her first "real" grade - now with homework - and TheBoy facing the MCAS test (standardized testing for all MA students). They've also got soccer, swimming lessons, Cub Scouts/Daisy Troops, etc. - there's barely enough time to breathe, let alone get in trouble. We're still busy as all get-out from now until Christmas, of course...

It'll take a while to get back into the school groove, but once there, it's amazingly efficient...

That is all.


MaddMedic said...

Ahh yes..Now their Public Indoctrination can start!! Reading? HA! Writing? HA! Arithmetic? HA HA!! No we must teach them the ways of the State!!!!

Anonymous said...

..."let alone get in trouble."...

OH you dreamer.............

Brad_in_MA said...


Traffic totally *sucked* today. Where's your blog-post about moron drivers? We readers need our periodic fix of you venting your spleen.

- Brad

Paul, Dammit! said...

My boy started first grade, too. We put him in a private school this year, and he's already 2 years behind the other kids from what I can tell. Scary.