Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quelle Surprise!

It’s Menino vs. Flaherty
Mayor Thomas M. Menino surged to the top of the field and Councilor at Large Michael F. Flaherty Jr. grabbed second place in Boston’s preliminary mayoral race yesterday, setting up a general election that pits two former allies who have become sharp political adversaries.

Menino captured 50.5 percent of the vote, while Flaherty got 24 percent, beating out the other challengers by a comparatively slim margin for a spot in the final election. Councilor at Large Sam Yoon ended the day with 21 percent, and South End businessman Kevin McCrea got 4 percent.

Uh, Mike? You might want to add up what your fellow challengers got and compare it to Mumbles. Looks like Hizzoner is going to get that unprecedented fifth term after all. What surprised me is that Yoon didn't make the cut - he got a lot of favorable press leading up to the election.

So the choice is between an Italian career political hack and an Irish career political hack. Never let it be said that Boston lacks diversity...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

Hey Jay, our daring and intrepid attorney general might decide to take a break from campaigning for Senate to toss Mumbles in Jail for destroying public documents after first being warned by the feds....*bwahahahahaahah*

Of course if there are emails discovered by the data recovery specialists do discover criminal conspiracy between the Mayor's office and the likes of Chuck Turner and/or Dianne Wilkerson, it might be difficult for Mumbles to hold the office no matter HOW inept our AG is...

Jay G said...

Oh wouldn't that be rich...

libertyman said...

I will buy the drinks for you both if that happens, as a former Mass resident, I would be amazed if anything becomes of it.

Weer'd Beard said...

Come to think of it it would be the RICHEST if it also took down the inept AG as well.

OK now I'm just doing the pundit facsimile of masturbation...

Jay G said...

Yeah, it's self-serving.

And makes a mess when you're done...


TOTWTYTR said...

Yoon didn't have enough name recognition, but he'll be back. As the demographics in Boston change, ironically enabled by some of the existing Hackocrats, he'll become more electable.

Flaherty stands no chance as most Yoon voters were probably pro Yoon, not anti Menino. They'll stay home in the general election.

Still Flaherty has nothing to lose, because I don't think his City Council seat is up this year.

On election day, as Dapper O'Neill used to say, they won't count Menino's votes, they'll weigh them.

As to e-mail gate? If it is to have any legs, the feds will need to be interested, and either they are being very quiet about it (as they do) or they already know that there is nothing to it.

So far, except for the Herald, the story doesn't seem to have much in the way of legs.