Sunday, September 6, 2009


White House adviser resigns amid 9/11 controversy
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Presidential adviser Van Jones is resigning after coming under fire for signing a controversial petition regarding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The White House issued a statement late Saturday saying that Jones was giving up his post at the Council on Environmental Quality, where he helped coordinate government agencies focused on delivering millions of green jobs to the ailing U.S. economy.

"The White House issued a statement late Saturday". Good to see them taking a page out of the Clinton playbook - if you've got bad news, release it in the middle of a weekend when it dies a quick death. Make sure it's too late to make the Sunday morning news shows, and by Monday it's old hat that can be written off as "are you still talking about that?"

Folks, this guy's a Truther - the folks that think George Bush's administration either planned the September 11th attacks or stood by and allowed them to happen. These people make the "Birthers" look downright Einsteinian - the underlying theme is that George W. Bush, a man widely derided by the left as being too stupid to tie his own shoes, somehow coordinated the dealiest attack on American soil to shore up his fledgling administration.

Anyone signing on to such idiocy deserves every bit of scorn we can muster. They do not deserve a cushy government job where they oversee the disbursement of jobs and money to hardworking Americans. At best they out to be relegated to making crappy "documentaries" while slowly gorging themselves to death on Tim Horton's donuts (you know, the ones sold in Canada where you've moved your film company to avoid paying US taxes).

Good riddance, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Truther.

That is all.


libertyman said...

Geez -- the guy seemed to be a commie to boot. He will probably end up teaching at a college now.

Home on the Range said...

He'll be on Oprah next touting the new "Czar diet plan".

Good riddance.

Mikael said...

There's enough circumstances around 9/11 to at least shed some doubt. But if there's anything to it, I'd put it on Cheney's plate(after all, as I understand it, he was at Norad at the time).

TOTWTYTR said...

Mikael, seek help.

RW said...

Maybe now CNN will at least mention his name.

Mikael, definitely seek help.

Heath J said...

Hey, a bright spot for the weekend.

I'm glad he's out of an "official" position, but he's still dangerous.

Mikael, put down the cheetoes and try getting out of the parents basement more..

WV- hypeco

Anonymous said...

There is a ton of evidence to support the possibility that he is right about 9-11 and the bush people letting it happen. What is disturbing to me is that the site was never treated as a crime scene, everything swept up in record time and destroyed or sent overseas and there is much more that makes one wonder who was really responsible for this tragedy. But we know who benefited; bush, the oil and defense companies.

Reputo said...

Anonymous & Mikail,

Where is that evidence? Is it in the same locker that has all of the proof that we never landed on the moon? Or is it in the closet of files that show that Kennedy was killed by someone on a grassy knoll? Or perhaps it is next to the crate that Indiana Jones left the Arc of the Covenant in?

Yeah, Bush knew about 9/11. Obama was born in Kenya. The Holocaust never happened. And space aliens built the pyramids.

Whatever your religion is, I guess we have to let you practice it. Doesn't mean we can't tell you it is stupid and wrong. We just have to let you practice it.