Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Undercover video apparently shows ACORN staffer interested in prostitution for politics scheme; ACORN leader says staffer was joking
SAN BERNARDINO - An undercover video taped at the local office of ACORN appears to show a worker there take interest in a prostitution-for-politics scheme, but one of the organization's leaders says the video is fake journalism that takes the worker's words out of context.
Regarding the San Bernardino video, ACORN asserts that Kaelke did not take O'Keefe and Giles seriously when they made their pitch.

"They were not believable," Kaelke said in ACORN's official statement. "They were clearly playing with me. I decided to shock them as much as they were shocking me."


This is the best they can do? The "we wuz jus' funnin' ya" defense? Folks, this doesn't cut it when my eight year old hits my six year old. It certainly doesn't wash for an organization that received billions of $timulu$ dollar$... At the very least, this is an egregious waste of ACORN's resources.

I mean, hell, there's voter fraud to be perpetrated!

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

Also doesn't work when they're filling out tax forms with supplied fraudulent information.

They're nothing short of organized crime. And just like in the Mafia the Soldiers get fed to the wolves and the Don is untouched.

TOTWTYTR said...

They're going to need a bigger bus to toss everyone from ACORN under. Believe me, they are completely expendable to the Obama Administration because there are always other useful idiots around.