Monday, October 26, 2009


Just got the call from the Mrs. She brought TheBoy to the doctor because he's been fighting a low-grade fever since Friday, and naturally thought that he'd picked up my upper respiratory infection.

She puts him on the phone to give me the news, and I hear,

"I got the swine flu! I got the swine flu!"

Yes folks. Hamthrax has claimed my boy...

He seems fine; his temp has gotten no higher than 101.1 at the worst. His demeanor is perfectly normal; he has complained of aches and pains and the normal symptoms of someone with a fever/flu-like conditions, but a very mild one.

I'm cautiously optimistic that the worst is behind us, and that he's on the mend. And if this is what swine flu brings, they are TOTALLY blowing it out of proportion. Strep throat puts my son out of commission more than swine flu.

Still, in any case, I'd appreciate any and all good thoughts for TheBoy while he recovers from H1N1...

That is all.


Brad_in_IL said...


Did The Lad's face melt off?

Andrew said...

Argh! I wanted to be the first with a face-melting quip...

PISSED said...

Are you running in circles screaming?

Bob S. said...

Jay G,

Thoughts and prayers to your boy for his recovery.

I had more of the hacking cough, higher fever and body ache then it sounds like your boy did.

But at its worse it wasn't as bad as a previous bout of the flu.

Please be on the look out for any after flu infections. One of the big problems with this is pneumonia or bronchitis after the fact. Did the doc prescribe any anti-botics?

Jay G said...

Brad (and Andrew),

Heh. His face has not melted off yet, no.


You mean because ZOMG MY BOY HAS TEH SWINE FLU OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!1111111eleventy!!!

I mean, it's still the flu, so I'm a little apprehensive of course, but he appears to be handling it well.


No antibiotics were prescribed. He didn't appear to have anything in his lungs during the visit, but we'll keep an eye on things.

SCI-FI said...

Praying for The Boy...

benjmonster said...

a co-worker of mine got the hamthrax. she was out for a week and a half, and at some point was sure she was dead. while i clearly don't see what all the panic and "emergency" is about, it does seem yer boy got one of the milder cases...

i'll keep my thoughts to my self, but i'll gladly pray for a speedy recovery.

Sevesteen said...

Best wishes on The Boy's recovery.

Strep throat puts me out of commission more than any illness I've ever had.

Weer'd Beard said...

I've seen the little rascal. Hamtrax has NO CHANCE!

Best wishes to Family G!

Anonymous said...

Hope TheBoy is on the mend as well.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and the boy.

Would range theraphy help?

Sabra said...

Hmm, that's better than my girls fared with what I think was the regular flu--I saw lots of temps >103. I think we went through a whole bottle of ibuprofen by the time all was said & done, not to mention a butt-ton of ice cream.

Your boy's in my prayers, though.

ZerCool said...

My understanding of the perceived threat from the Hiney flu is that it will affect the normally "healthy" population in more pronounced ways. I don't know the mechanics of it, but the phrase I remember is a "cytokene storm". Sounds scary. Maybe a bad Clooney movie is forthcoming. ;-) Regardless, the threat to the young and the elderly is the same as with most influenza strains; it's us healthy ad-ults that gotta worry.

Pop N Fresh said...

All part of Obamy's plan to declare you child part of his national emergency. I smell conspiracy and bacon...........

red said...

another case of the Hini! Haha, hamthrax, love it!

Mrs. C said...

I had swine flu while visiting my parents in Hawaii and it was just awful! Popsicles and old 3 stooges were just what the doctor prescribed, along with Tamiflu and lots of liquids! Best wishes to you and your family... Hope your boy's feeling better soon!

Christina RN LMT said...

Aw, my best wishes for a speedy and complication-free recovery for TheBoy!

Borepatch said...

I assume he wants bacon three meals a day. Not a bad idea, actually.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.