Monday, October 12, 2009

In the News...

Nobel Prize for Economics goes to woman for first time

Given the recent distribution of Nobel Peace Prizes, we can only assume the winner was Paris Hilton...

That is all.


Reputo said...

Nah, the prizes for economics and such still have some credibility. Mainly because the criteria severely limit who can win one. The Peace Prize can be given to anyone.

BTW, you can support the Nobel committee by buying and lighting off Alfred's greatest invention: DYNAMITE!

RW said...

Nah, the prizes for economics and such still have some credibility.

Last year's winner (Paul Krugman) was chosen not for his previous work - he hadn't done anything particularly interesting in that field in over a decade - but for his scathing editorials against the Bush admin on the pages of the NYT. The guy spent the years 2001-2005 predicting Bush recessions every freaking year (while a boom kept running) and like the Cubs winning the world series, eventually it's going to happen so my predicting it every year doesn't make me a sage when it finally happens.

Had he been given the award before he was an official & paid adviser for Enron (true) I could be persuaded.