Sunday, October 11, 2009


Obama to gay group: 'Still laws to change, hearts to open'

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama delivered a rousing speech Saturday night to the nation's largest gay rights group, praising the gay community for making strides in equal rights and pledging to deliver on major campaign promises that some say he's left on the back burner.

"For nearly 30 years, you've advocated for those without a voice," Obama said during his address at the dinner for the Human Rights Campaign. "Despite the progress we've made, there are still laws to change and hearts to open."
Yeah, because it's only those evil right wingers that have hate in their hearts, right Barry?Apparently he finally realized that he was expected to deliver on all that hope 'n' change... I guess it's a sign of how quickly the shine's come off the apple that he has to pull hard left to appease the special interest groups. 0bama's talking about repealing the Defense of Marriage Act - the one signed into law by that evil right winger Bill Clinton himself - wonder how that's going to play with all those allegedly "new" Democrats voted into office on the grounds of, well, not being Republicans.

What worries me about this is that if there is a backlash, you can bet your last dime that the GOP will read it the wrong way. They'll campaign - yet again - against that eeeeevil "ZOMG TEH GAYZ IS TEH DEBIL" strawman, further cementing the stereotype of the Republicans wanting to peer into folks' bedrooms and reinstate the Taliban. Never underestimate the ability of the GOP to be stupid, folks...

And for the left? I propose a deal: We'll stop trying to pass laws about what you do with your body, if you keep your laws out of my gun cabinet...

That is all.


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"We'll stop trying to pass laws about what you do with your body, if you keep your laws out of my gun cabinet."

There should be no if in that statement, Jay - neither one should be a compromise. "We" should stop trying to pass laws about what people do with their bodies, regardless of whether they keep "their" laws out of our gun cabinets or not.

Both deal with basic principles of liberty, and neither one should be allowed to continue.

Top of the Chain said...

That's a fair trade. The pantsless caucus practicing realpolitik

Anonymous said...

Gay marriage isn't about freedom. It's about imposing an alternative culture and religion on those unwilling to accept it.

That aside, Obama certainly looks like a bumbler. Defending DOMA on the campaign trail and NOW, reeling from reality, telling the homosexuals that we will repeal it.

My favorite part, both sides are even more angry now!!!

Shootin' Buddy

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"Gay marriage isn't about freedom. It's about imposing an alternative culture and religion on those unwilling to accept it."

How does the government allowing someone you've never met to get married impose their "culture and religion" on anyone else? Does a Jewish marriage impose the Jewish culture and religion on you? A Hindu marriage? If not, then why does a gay marriage impose anything on you? My marriage has nothing to do with anyone except whoever I choose to marry.

In fact, you have it exactly backwards. Banning gay marriage imposes a "culture and religion on those unwilling to accept it" by imposing religiously based restrictions on those who don't follow that religion.

RW said...

addendum: my gun cabinet and my wallet.

wolfwalker said...

It's going to be fun to watch the furor when Barry Lackwit repeals "don't ask don't tell" and gay soldiers start getting court-martialed and found guilty, with dishonorable discharges and permanent criminal records.

Y'see, both DADT and its predecessor "slip 'em an admin discharge and whitewash their file" policy were administrative sidesteps of a certain provision in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. That provision criminalizes homosexual conduct by active-duty military personnel. Without DADT, or some similar fig-leaf, the UCMJ provision becomes active again. Unless Congress rewrites or removes that provision of the UCMJ ... which Congress has shown no inclination to do.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"It's going to be fun to watch the furor when Barry Lackwit repeals "don't ask don't tell" and gay soldiers start getting court-martialed and found guilty, with dishonorable discharges and permanent criminal records."

Barry cannot repeal DADT without Congress - it's statutory law (10 U.S.C. § 654(b)), not an "administrative sidestep." If Congress repeals DADT, they would likely repeal (or appropriately amend) the sodomy provision of the UCMJ (10 U.S.C. §925) at the same time.

And why, Wolfwalker, do you think it would be "fun" to watch innocent people being suddenly turned into criminals because of someone else's political maneuvering? Or are you one of those people who think being gay should be a crime all by itself?

wolfwalker said...

Jake, I don't think it will be fun to watch what happens to the soldiers who will be caught in this charlie-fox.

I do think it will be fun to watch the activist groups as it slowly penetrates their tiny brains that by focusing on the immediate Cause and not looking down the road even one additional step, they've actually made things worse for the people they were trying to help.

Which reminds me of a link I saw this morning over at Hot Air. Barry Lackwit just got the NPP partly for his work on nuclear disarmament. Well, TIME magazine (of all places) has an op-ed on the likely consequences of,8599,1929553,00.html?xid=rss-topstories">a world where the major powers give up their nukes. It ain't a pretty picture. And there's a passage in it that should make all gun-rights advocates laugh out loud, because the writer steals a line that gunnies have been using for dog's years.

wolfwalker said...

Oops, sorry about the mangled link.

Let's try that again: TIME Magazine on nuclear disarmament.