Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday Afternoon Blogroll Updates...

Got a new blog to add today - it was actually e-mailed me to let me know (that's a hint...) Please welcome Redneck Command - Lokidude from the Gunblogger Conspiracy - to the MArooned blogroll.

Go. Read. Much good stuff there.

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Agreed! Loki is always interesting... :-)

Lokidude said...

I gotta say thanks, Jay. 45 visits since you linked me, and fully half of them came in from you. That's more traffic than I normally get in some WEEKS!

Jay G said...

No problem, loki. Always happy to reciprocate (that's a hint for others out there who have added me to their blogrolls and not let me know...)