Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Stayin' home today - something about a fever of 103.4ºF that says "thou shalt not go into work". Advil has been pumped into my body, with any kind of luck I'll feel human again later. But for now, no blog for you. Jay need sleep!

Ah, bed, how I've forgotten how comfy you are...

That is all.


TOTWTYTR said...

1) Hope you feel better. That's a pretty high temperature.

2) Tylenol, not Advil. Tylenol will help the fever and other stuff.

Bob S. said...


Don't hesitate to get into a clinic if it is the flu.

Tamiflu helps greatly but the real concern is the after flu infections.

Bronchitis and pneumonia are what is killing people after the flu.

Comments from one who has been there

Jay G said...


I've actually had better luck with Advil, although it could have something to do with all my Tylenol products being expired...


It doesn't *feel* flu-like - I don't have any aches or pains, I just have a fever and some chest congestion.

We'll see, though - I'm resting today, and hopefully will be back to 90%+ tomorrow...

Brad_in_IL said...

Have Mrs.G head over to Larry Levine's in Peabody. Instruct her to purchase a couple quarts of their chicken soup with matzah balls. Nothing better than "Jewish penicillin" when you're feeling down.

SCI-FI said...

Tylenol and aspirin are both antipyretics, IIRC. As is chamomille, if you're willing to gag down chamomille tea.

Don't make me come over there.

RW said...

FEVER: If it's over 103.5, head to the doctor.
If it's 103.5 or below, endure; the fever is your body's way of fighting whatever is going on & taking stuff that lowers the fever simply kicks the can down the road. Nyquil at night so one can sleep caveat, of course. But, definitely no tylenol or other stuff that curbs fever. If you're needing to curb the fever during the day, it's time to head to the doctor. Otherwise, let the fever do its thing.

ADVIL: It's just ibuprofen. You can go to the generic section & get the plain white container w/black letters that say "ibuprofen" (or Wal-Mart's version, Equate, which we southerners call 'eee-kwat-ay' in order to make it sound more european) and get the exact same thing for a fraction of the price.

You're in for a period of SUCK, to be sure. Take care, rest, sleep, and catch up on the boob tube.

Stretch said...

Wash down the chicken soup with Celtic Cough Medicine. Preferably 12 years old. No cough? Take it anyway.

Anonymous said...

It's those damned evil guns Jay, if you didn't have evil guns in the house you wouldn't be ill.

libertyman said...

It's Bush's fault...

TheAxe said...

Sounds like you're "Hot Blooded". Your wife must be a lovely lady. Get well soon.

WV: reves - actor who's good at playing the part of clueless "But Bill, these are historical babes."

PISSED said...

Hey Jay , hope you feel better. BTW I'm halfway thru Monster Hunter Intn'l! Great Book. Not sure if you read "World War Z" but if you're still laid up, its a great book as well.

Christina RN LMT said...

Aw, hope you're feeling better by now!

SLEEP, lots of sleep and rest in general.

Old NFO said...

Get better, or go to the doc... Don't fool around with that high a temp.