Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Still Sick...

Well, I woke up this morning to find that my temp had spiked at 103.8ºF. This is now the third day I've felt like crap; it is time to see the professionals. If this does turn out to be swine flu, I'm going to be mighty unhappy... Wish me luck; I really can't afford to take a whole week off...

Sometimes I just have the worst timing on the planet...

That is all.

UPDATE: Went to the doc this morning. Diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection, swabbed for strep throat and Flu A & B. Got a Z-pak to go, and I'm already feeling better. I'm cautiously optimistic that I might be over the worst of this...


Bgg said...

I'm going to radio in an airdrop of Nyquil, Chicken Noodle Soup, and some back issues of Guns-N-Ammo for you....

Hang in!

PISSED said...

Jay, This would kinda fit your situation....

Epijunky said...

Sending "Feel Better" vibes your way.

I've felt like crap for the better part of the last week.

Lissa said...

You need a dose of Chinese (Magic) Tonic Soup :-/ Feel better SOON!

Christina RN LMT said...

Yes, do go see the professionals, hopefully they can get the fever under control. That's way too high a fever to mess around with. Hope you feel better ASAP, Jay!

Jay G said...

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone.

Went to see the Dr. at 10 today. Got swabbed for strep, Flu A and Flu B (H1N1).

Diagnosis was an upper respiratory infection and "something viral". Tests to be performed later this week, although if the speed of the drop-off service is any indication, I doubt I'll know anything before 2010...

RW said...

The URI is enough to put anyone down for a while (had a few score of those in my lifetime). Take care, rest, sleep, rest, lounge and get better.

And in between, relax. :)

Christina RN LMT said...

Don't forget to stay hydrated, Jay...drink, drink, drink...and nothing alcoholic, either!

SCI-FI said...

Dude. This will totally cancel our range-time.

Jay G said...

Actually, I'd been meaning to mention that to you. TheBoy has a Halloween party Friday night that I'll have to bring him to.

How about Saturday? I should be back up to full strength by then...

BobG said...

"Diagnosis was an upper respiratory infection and "something viral"."

I blame Bush.

Jay G said...

...and Global Warming...

Borepatch said...

Rest and plenty of fluids, Jay. But beer probably isn't prudent for fluids just yet ...