Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Good morning. Please meet the bane of my existence:


Oh cruel fate, why do you mock me?!?!?!

That is all.


PISSED said...

Keep an eye on your pancreas : )

Christina RN LMT said...

Dammit! Same here. Reece's and Tootsie Rolls. *sigh*

W/V: undish
ARGH, yes, the candy and chocolate will "un-dish" and end up in my belleh, if I don't run far and fast.

Wally said...

A logical man would figure that you sure walked some distance Saturday night, probably hauling some of the kiddie's stuff. I am sure you burned some extra energy being in Orange all night. There should be no guilt in a 3 musketeers, twix, and a Reeses. For breakfast.

But if you don't want to go down that road - well - you can mail that up for safe disposal :-)

Anonymous said...

The breakfast of champions.

On a Wing and a Whim said...

This is why I bought dark chocolate to mix in with the milk chocolate treats - so I'd have something to eat for All Souls's Day breakfast when trick or treaters failed to clean me out.

I shouldn't leave the rest at the cardiac rehab center. I really, really shouldn't....