Remington Model 511
That's a Remington model 511 Scoremaster bolt-action rifle. It's magazine fed, with either six or ten round magazines available, the six round magazines fitting flush with the bottom of the receiver. The scope is a Tasco "Silver Antler" 3-9X adjustable rimfire scope, a kind gift from a friend on a local gun board. This entire set-up has cost me $38 - the price of two additional magazines - the gun was a gift from a friend of my dad's who was moving down to FLA and didn't feel like taking his guns with him.
An hour or two spent on the rifle range with some mid-range .22LR ammo had the scope zeroed in. With an improvised rest (range bag) and my aging eyes I was able to get a respectable 1.5" group at 50 yards - certainly not the best grouping possible but given the inexpensive scope, haphazard shooting, and the moderate ammo I was pretty happy with it. Not to mention that on the 25 yard pistol range, it will spin the 2.5" steel spinners with frightening regularity.
(Note for those who have asked from previous photos: The trunk is a family heirloom; it accompanied my grandfather - father's father - on his voyage over from the mother land. I now jokingly refer to it as "The Luggage", although to the best of my knowledge it hasn't eaten anyone. Yet.)
Boy, I do love me some .22LR rifles...
That is all.
Oo oo, is it made of sapient pear tree wood?
Ya know, buying our kid a .22 boltie has reminded me of just how much fun they are. Now if he would just let me shoot it more!
Heh. Good catch Lissa! Given that, as I said, it hasn't eaten anyone yet, I doubt it...
That's the great part about this rifle - it was free! I won't feel bad picking up a nice CZ-452 with a fitting scope and hand this off to TheBoy or BabyGirl G...
Have you shot the Colt AR 22?
I have not, DIMW. I've actually been thinking about getting a S&W M&P22 if/when they ever come in stock.
Of course, I really ought to get a 10/22 first... ;)
Does that make you Rincewind? ;)
A classic. I gave a similiar one to my nephew when he was 12 yrs old (subject of course to his fathers supervision).
Many hours of fun filled competition ensued.
You will LURV that CZ 452, Jay! It is quickly becoming one of the favorite rifles in the safe, and it's not even mine!
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