Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday Gun Pr0n #139

Heh. Today's post was pretty much a foregone conclusion after the shipment I got from LaserLyte last week:

SW99 with LaserLyte PB-3

There's just something about a handgun with a bayonet. Sure, it's not practical. Sure, it takes Thunderwear pretty much right out of the equation. Sure, it makes about as much sense as a kickstand on a tank. But damn if that picture doesn't kick over my giggle box...

Besides, everyone knows that bayonets repel teletubbies and pokemons...

That is all.


wolfwalker said...

Kinda like a derringer in .44 Mag?

Ross said...

*shakes his head*

Brad_in_IL said...

Perhaps someone can donate a Furby for future skewering . . . .

Borepatch said...

This is exactly why we keep coming back.

Burke said...

It just might keep someone from grabbing your gun out of your hands. (about 90% sarcasm with 10% "hmmmm")

Pop N Fresh said...

Ohhhh the humanity!

Anonymous said...

Actually, a kickstand on a tank might be more practical ;)