Friday, November 20, 2009

Imagine the Possibilities...

My blogson finds the kewlest links...
Now when I saw this, the word "Gunbloggers" ran through my head. I'd sure like to see a JayG model, and maybe Tam could buy a new Zed 3 if she sold the Snark Of Death/Sunday Smith model.

I get first mention!?!?! ZOMG! I opined in comments that all they'd need to do for me would be to take an existing Stone Cold Steve Austin action figure and remove 3/4 the muscle...

So who would you like to see in action figure form?

That is all.


Borepatch said...

The only problem is that I can't remember a GI Joe shotgun with a bayonet ...


Lokidude said...

If you did Ahab and Breda, you wouldn't have to worry much about shrinking them down.

Jay G said...


SCI-FI said...

SCI-FI action figure, complete with cool plasma rifle in the 40-watt range (think of the blinky laser from Buzz Lightyear's arm), and 3 famous catch phrases, including:
- "Up yours, Gomer, I'm waitin' for a fare."
- "Not in the face!"
- "(belch) Yes, I have no pride."

Anonymous said...

Hell, I'd like one of me, but I don't think they could do the knee beards properly.