Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Man appears alive at own funeral in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO — A Brazilian bricklayer reportedly killed in a car crash shocked his mourning family by showing up alive at his funeral. Relatives of Ademir Jorge Goncalves, 59, had identified him as the victim of a Sunday night car crash in Parana state in southern Brazil, police said.

As is customary in Brazil, the funeral was held the following day, which happened to be the holiday of Finados, when Brazilians visit cemeteries to honor the dead. What family members didn't know was that Goncalves had spent the night at a truck stop talking with friends over drinks of a sugarcane liquor known as cachaca, his niece Rosa Sampaio told the O Globo newspaper. He did not get word about his own funeral until it was already happening Monday morning.

It's a damn good thing he wasn't mistaken for a zombie, otherwise he might have been shot dead at his own funeral...

That is all.


PISSED said...

The Package is in the mail, I repeat, The Package is in the mail. ....end of message

Anonymous said...

In any case (dead or alive), he could still vote in Chicago.

Michael W. said...

I would argue the point that he very well MIGHT have been a zombie.I have drank cachaca before and I could feel my brain cells dropping like flies. Nasty stuff........

Paul, Dammit! said...

Wow, I am drinking cachaca right now, in fact. It is one of the finest clear spirits on earth, if you buy the decent stuff. Like any booze, if you buy the $2.99/handle rotgut, you go blind. If you buy the halfway decent stuff, it is as good or better than the finest cane rum.

Of all the benefits of marrying a Brazilian, the wealth of new liquors to exercise the liver ranks high on the list... but below the waxing thing.

Michael W. said...

I will bow to Paul the Pirate's greater experience in both cachaca drinking and waxing........-grin-