Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quick Thought...

Think John Allen Muhammad is in hell yet?

That is all.


Grayson said...

Could be. Assuming, of course, that the Devil could stand the sight or smell of the bloodyminded bastard.
Isn't it interesting that we get called infidels (and worse) for criticizing people for their religious beliefs? And yet the overwhelming majority of us 'infidels' absolutely refuse to interpret any kind of scripture as justification for the killing of innocent people.
What a freaky world we live in.
Come to think of it, I don't really care where John Allen Muhammad ends up, as long as it's somewhere he can NEVER AGAIN harm another living soul. Ever.
Keep yourself and your loved ones safe, Jay.

Sabra said...

Newp, Jay. I think God's having a little personal fun with him first.

Old NFO said...

One hopes...

TOTWTYTR said...

I like the visual of him on a rotisserie over a nice roaring fire!

Jay G said...

I was kinda envisioning him and Tim McVeigh doin' the anal rodeo, yanno...