Monday, November 16, 2009

Random Ramblings...

Hoo boy. Lotsa interesting stuff going on around the round world...

First off, an interesting local story that has national ramifications: Green Line Incident Latest Accident Reported By T. Money quote:

The federal government may soon step in when it comes to safety on the subway. The Obama Administration is proposing federal oversight, much like what is done for airlines and Amtrak.

Yeah, I'm not so sure, given the 0's track record on pretty much everything else he's touched, that I want the fedgov mucking around with the subways. I doubt we'd hear "At least the trains ran on time" very much...

Next up, those crazy MA lawmakers are at it again: Mass. immigrant tuition bill to get new push. Yes, once again, MA is trying to give in-state tuition to folks who shouldn't even be in this country. Ho hum. What's interesting is this tidbit:
Currently, 10 states — California, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wisconsin — have such in-state tuition laws for undocumented students. Oklahoma repealed its law in 2008.

Texas has in-state tuition for illegal aliens and MA doesn't? Oh, that's just gotta rankle the blue-blood Dems who think that good ol' MA is just soooo much more progressive than those redneck states, eh?

I'm not quite sure what to make of this: Obama: U.S., China don't have to be rivals. What's vexing is this quote:
"We do not seek to impose any system of government on any other nation, but we also don't believe that the principles that we stand for are unique to our nation," he told the gathering.

Well, yeah, we kinda do, actually. Show me another nation on earth where the government is as constrained as to what they can't limit as the US government. Show me another nation on earth where the ability to speak one's mind without fear of reprisal from the government is so sacred that it is the very first thing added to our Bill of Rights. And barring that, please explain why people from all over the world are trying to get to the USA and share her freedoms...

In the "Cry me a river" category, comes this tear-jerker: Hub’s top-price condos finding few takers. Awwww... Poor widdle yuppies are taking a bath on their million dollar condos. Hold on while I check my Give-A-Damnmeter. Nope. Stuck on zero. Quote:
“People are nervous about their jobs and they lack confidence in Boston’s housing market.”

Gee, I wonder why that is? Maybe because MA is losing population like nobody's business? Maybe because no one wants to gamble a million plus on living in a city run by Mumbles Menino forever? Or, maybe even simpler - they're starting to realize that Boston just isn't all that and a bag of chips?

Lastly, one story that hasn't been given a lot of air time, due to the fact that the principal players wanted it that way: George W. Bush Secretly Visits Fort Hood Victims. In the same way that President Bush met with the families of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and never sought media attention for it,
The Bushes entered and departed the sprawling military facility in secret, having told the base commander they did not want press coverage of their visit, a source told Fox News.

It took a link from Tam to Ed who pointed here to find the story. That about wraps up a look at the day's news for now. Perhaps later when my blood pressure returns to normal I'll make mention of the return of the imbeciles to MA roadways...

Pretty interesting the twists and turns that crazy ol' internet takes, eh?.

That is all.


Mike W. said...

I doubt we'd hear "At least the trains ran on time" very much...

Then we could be just like the old USSR, where the trains were never on time.

TOTWTYTR said...

I'm tremendously disappointed in my friends from Texas. Illegal immigrants deserve only to be returned to where ever they came from.

I'm not surprised that the Bushes would do something sincere and compassionate and not want to make a publicity spectacle out of it.

I'm (sadly) not surprised that Obama doesn't think that there is any thing special, let alone better, about our system. I'd not be surprised if he envies China's control of the media and trouble makers.