Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Say What Say What?

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford faces 37 ethics charges
(CNN) -- The South Carolina Ethics Commission has charged Gov. Mark Sanford with 37 counts of violating state ethics laws, according to a complaint released by the commission on Monday.

The complaint follows a three-month investigation into Sanford's use of taxpayer money.

Sanford is accused of using tax money to buy business-class airfare on domestic and international flights, flying on a state-owned aircraft to political gatherings or events "which involved no official business," and spending campaign funds for personal use such as buying a ticket to attend President Obama's inauguration in January.

Okay. He's accused of using state money for personal gain. While I'm certain he's not the first politician to ever do that, if it's against the laws of his state, he needs to be punished for it. I'm not going to defend him just because he's a Republican - if he's guilty of breaking the law, thrown the damn book at him. This kind of violation of public trust is exactly why people hate politicians.

What jumped out at me was this:

State Rep. Greg Delleney, a Republican and one of the sponsors of the impeachment resolution, said he expects the subcommittee to look over the ethics commission results during the Thanksgiving holiday and decide whether to adjust the measure to include material from the ethics complaint.

Delleney said he thinks Monday's report will give new momentum to the impeachment push.

Sandford is also a Republican. Please note that he's being impeached by his own party. Quick, someone remind me who sponsored the impeachment proceedings against William Jefferson. Hell, speaking of William Jefferson, someone show me a copy of that "strongly worded censure" that the Democrats said should take the place of impeaching Bill Clinton...

Don't worry - I won't hold my breath waiting...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

Or who's raising charges against Roland Burris for admitting he bought his senate seat?

How about any of our three felonious speakers of the house?

Jesus how about Barny Frank and his laundry list of shady business dealings, anybody looking into this shit? No?

Oooh ACORN, how about thems apples...er, Acorns...er...I'm confused now....

Michael W. said...

Aw it's much ado about nothing.

I think it was a simple communication error on the Governor's part. Everyone heard Appalachian Trail, what he REALLY said was Argentinian tail.......-grin-

Jay G said...

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there...

Borepatch said...

Got to love his wife, too.

GunGeek said...

And it was really the pressure applied by the Republicans that got Nixon to resign.

I still remember Di-Fi saying words to the effect of "I don't care what kind of evidence comes out, I'm not going to vote to impeach President Clinton"