Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Second Annual Northeast Blogger Dinner...

With the rousing success of "Blogorado" being bandied about the blogosphere, it reminded me that it was about time to start marshalling the troops for the Second Annual Northeast Blogger After Christmas Dinner. Last year's dinner was a lot of fun, and I'm hoping that this year we can at least double the number of attendees...

Here's the traditional format:

What? Northeast Blogger Winter Gathering.

Who? Any and all bloggers, commenters, readers, lurkers, etc. in the Northeast area, or those passing through, or anyone crazy enough to show up.

When? A Saturday evening sometime around Christmas - perhaps January 2nd?

Where? TBD - see below.

Why? Folks getting together to enjoy good food, great beer, and superlative company. Bring your appetite, a whistle for wetting, and your best stories to tell.

The first dinner was held at Martha's Exchange in Nashua, NH. Our "Dinner with Ambulance Driver" was held in northeastern MA. In the interest of fielding the largest percentage of attendees, where should we hold this year's dinner? Keep it in southern NH? Go metro and have it in Boston? (Boston Beer Works?)

We've got time - NOW - to figure something out. Let's get a time and a place haggled out, and the rest will fall into place. For those that haven't come, or perhaps have only made the Bloggershoots, the dinner is a more relaxed atmosphere where the conversation doesn't have to compete with the boomsticks.

Besides, I'm looking forward to seeing y'all again!

That is all.


Borepatch said...

I'm in this year. I'll travel, so location isn't so important.

What would be fun is to ear somewhere near a range, so we could all go shooting before.

Lissa said...

I can't commit, Jay; if we hold our annual Lissa/Mike Family Get-Together I'll have to bow out to play hostess instead. I'll come if I can, though!

Mopar said...

I'll second Borepatch. I'm at the southern edge of things so I'll have to travel no matter what. Range time with friends is always a plus. Reasonable accommodations nearby is even better, so I can consume "fun" at dinner and not have to drive several hours home after.

Jay G said...

The reason for having a dinner-only event is that we won't have to worry about a trunk (truck) load of guns out in the parking lot while we imbibe, especially if we're in Boston.

That said, I'm never one to shy away from shootin'...

If we have a small enough group I can take some folks at my club, then we can stow the hardware at my house. Just a thought.


Where & when???

JD said...

I'm in. Being south of Boston I am for something close to town but things worked ok last year in NH. . . . I will work around things to get there!

scotaku said...

I'm in. Beer Works is a good suggestion, but parking is a mess. Isn't there a Joe's or something in Braintree by South Shore?

Andrew said...

I am in as long as my wife hasn't planned something else...

Mopar said...

If given a choice, I'd happily pick driving farther for suburban/rural, over closer city traffic and parking.

SCI-FI said...

You know me, dude. I'm in...

MedicMatthew said...

I'm in!
It's a 170 miles hike for me to get to the Boston Metro area so location isn't a huge issue for me.

zeeke42 said...

Boston Beer Works is a bitch to get to and it's really loud. Watch City in Waltham is still pretty loud when they're busy, but it's not far from 128 and there's plenty of free parking.

I agree with those that say they'd rather drive farther to avoid the city.

I'm in if the date is available.

Wally said...

In, oh so very in.

If there is desire for a pre-dinner shoot (in January? in New England?) I could possibly reserve one of the ranges at my club in Scarborough Maine. Not sure if this helps, but an option nonetheless.

PS: Maine is a free state.

Paul, Dammit! said...

OK, I'm out to sea from just after Christmas until Jan 28. If I miss this one, I am going to have a snit.

The Big Guy said...

Well Little Brother,
If you do it on the 2nd, I'm in.
I'll be in town, working at the Winter Classic at Fenway, and I'll delay departure for an extra day to attend your shinding!
(Might even be able to come up with a pair of tix to the game if you are interested.)


TOTWTYTR said...

January 2nd sounds good to me. Southern New Hampshire works OK too, although I'm south of Boston. For that matter Metro West works too.

libertyman said...

Sounds good -- I'm in. I would say the big city venues may be problematical for many, but I will happily go wherever. Martha's in Nashua worked before - how does that sound?

Weer'd Beard said...

I'm in barring any scheduling conflicts.

Also I dig the idea of Wally's club. I've driven by it more than a few times and wouldn't mind putting it through it's paces!

MedicMatthew said...

Ya know, since Wally is offering up his range and it could do everyone a bit of good to escape to a free state, come on up to Maine! There's some wicked good food & drink to be had in Portland

Weer'd Beard said...

+1, If I may recomend Gritty McDuff's brewery. Their beer is top-notch, and they have some pretty good food, and its all of 20min drive from Wally's club if we're talking logistics.

Also its a 10min drive from my Parrent's and Mom-in-Law's house, so that works really well for me.