Saturday, November 28, 2009


Heh. Vicious Circle #28 centers on the recent events regarding Global Warmering and the release of certain data and e-mails that suggests that the pro-Anthropogenic Global Warming crowd may have been, well, less-than-100%-truthful in their assertions and data.

IOW, "I've got a fever, and the only prescription is MORE HOCKEY STICK"...

Join alan, pdb, Gay_Cynic, Unix-Jedi, aepilotjim (in his cherry-bustin' debut!) and your humble host as we mock, deride, debunk, deface, fold, spindle, mutilate, slice, dice, crush and otherwise debate the AGW crowd and their antics.

"Shenanigate" was Jim's idea - I like it, but I still think there's something better out there... Any ideas on what to call this? Unix-Jedi suggested "Clima-quiddick", in that since it involved a pet project on the left it would continue to receive minimal media attention and get buried at the next convenient junction. Alan suggested the tried-and-true media trick of attaching "-gate" to the main idea for "Climate-Gate".

And we all agreed that something more descriptive like "Lying Fuckweasels Trying to Gain Unprecedented Control Over the Sheeple Using Lies and Statistics" was more accurate yet far too unwieldy...

That is all.


kbergiu said...

Anthropogenic Global Warming Fraud Unveiled, Al Gore's Weather Flimflam Uncovered and Artificial Global Warmists Find Unemployment are all too long. Think I'll just go with the abbreviated AGWFU.

Old NFO said...

Good one, and I'll definitely have to download that one!

Scott said...

For whatever reason, the Arctic ice cap IS melting, ships are selling through it for the first time in ever, glaciers everywhere have retreated miles and miles.
Apparently, Arctic/Antarctic ice doesn't read ten year old emails, or gun blogs, or denier blogs, or obsess with "hockey sticks". Apparently Arctic/Antarctic ice missed the meeting that it was all a scam.
Because it continues to melt.
Is it so terribly horrific to think that maybe humankind can address it?

Jay G said...

And the ice caps melt on Mars, completely oblivious to SUVs, man, or "greenhouse gases".

P'rhaps it's something *other* than manmade sources?

Or should we just fake a bunch of shit and then tank our economy because it makes certain people *feel* better?

Who's *really* the denier here?

Anonymous said...

@Scott: I think it's a kind of hubris to assume that humanity not only CAN "address" things like the melting ice caps, but to assume that we know everything there is to know about how the weather of this planet works and that we KNOW what is the "right" state of it (or in other words, how it's apparently "supposed" to be).

How do we know that the ice caps aren't part of a natural cycle? Our time on the Earth is so small that, if likened to a 365-day calendar, ALL of human civilization is on the last second of the last day. All that we know about the planet is completely limited to our tiny little existence so far, an extremely limited scope, using extremely limited science and technology. Frankly, we don't know shit, and trying to act without acknowledging the fact that we don't know shit is completely stupid.

Weer'd Beard said...

I like "Fudgecicle" best.

nbc said...

Some bloggers in the UK are calling it CRUdgate.