I posted about it last Wednesday, and made an offer:
If anyone from LaserLyte, Crimson Trace, or LaserMax happen to stumble across this entry, I'm completely open to the idea of getting a unit(s) for testing/comparison...
Well, later that day, I received an e-mail from Aaron Moore, the Vice President of LaserLyte, who simply asked:
Give me your address and I will send you a free demo unit for your blog.Well, I wasn't about to pass on this opportunity! Friday night I get home from work to find a good sized box on my front porch. I opened it up to find these:

Holy Schwag Batman!
Two laser sights and the latest in accessory rail bayonets - note the Rambo-esque serrations for cutting down trees with your rail-equipped handgun... I was impressed that Aaron had picked up on the love of bayonets shown here at MArooned. I was somewhat puzzled by the Springfield XD sights, though - I don't think I even know someone with an XD - and couldn't quite figure out why it was in the box.
Until I turned the package over...
OH! Cool!
That impressed me even more - he had picked up that I had a Sig P226 in the armory as well, and sent a sight for the Sig for me to try out. Good thinking - a sub-compact, polymer-framed .45 ACP and a full-sized, metal-framed 9mm are about as far apart on the spectrum of handheld autoloaders as one is about to find... I'm hoping to have the sights installed over the Thanksgiving weekend, and maybe even have a "first impressions" post next week. I'd like the review to include multiple outings, with higher and higher round counts, to really put these sights to the test.
I'm thankful to LaserLyte for this opportunity - this will be the first in what I hope will be many MArooned Product Reviews of commercial products.
That is all.
PS: A pistol bayonet with serrations. I'm still geeking out over that!
Yay! Kudos to Aaron for Intrawebz Awareness!
Don't forget to put FTC disclaimers on all of your posts.
Hate to see you getting in hot water over it.
BTW: I can't believe that worked. I'm still shaking my head and snickering about it.
You CHANGED, Man. You used to be COOL. Now you sold out. Man.
{I've been begging for swag on my blog too. But I must be doing it wrong. The trick is, I think, is to have more than 3 readers, and NOT to mooch for a new M1A or somesuch.}
Maaaan, I gotta start *me* a blog.... Of course there is that whole 'coming up with worthwhile content & attracting readers' thing.
Meh, guess I'll stick to reading Breda, Tam, and you JayG. Congrats on moving up in the commercial world, and many more swag deliveries to you.
Jay , you are in sales, and you can see already the positive effect this donation has had. And of course, you will be UNBIASED and OBJECTIVE, that goes without saying. The fact that you got another even cooler pistol bayonet will have NO BEARING on your objectivity. It speaks well for that company, and I eagerly look forward to your thoughts.
I will admit, I was impressed. Someone did their homework, and if they put the same attention to detail into their sights, I imagine the review will reflect that.
Definitely. Thanks for the reminder.
Y'know, that's what comes from working in sales. You learn things like there's no harm in asking, and that sometimes being a shameless gear whore works out...
You'll know I've really changed when I start putting ads all over the place like something out of NASCAR... ;)
You place me in fine company, sir. I can only hope to match the levels of snark and overall cleverness displayed by Tam and Breda...
Absolutely! The readers of this blog are obviously gunnies for the most part - what better way to reach a target audience?
And I told Aaron in my e-mail something to the effect of "I pull no punches on my blog. If the sights perform as expected, I'll shout it from the rooftops. If they explode on the third shot, I'll be sure to note that as well."
To his credit, he replied with a simple "We're ready for the challenge" AND THEN sent me *TWO* sights - twice the opportunity for testing!!!
I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity test these out...
"target audience" ?? I am afraid we can't help ourselves, now, can we?
Wow - talk about awesome!
And if you need the XD sights tested on an actual XD, let me know! I can do that!
This is exciting news! I've been waiting for LASERLYTE to make a sight for the XD (I carry the Compact 45). Now to find $200 for the purchase...
Pretty awesome. Must be a benefit of being a paid shill for the NRA...
(I keed, I keed)
I'm still waiting for my wheelbarrows of cash, though...
1. LaserLyte's response to this is straight-up awesome.
2. I wish they made things for Walthers. Me and my stupid off-brand guns.
3. Let me reiterate - a business responding like this, and lobbing off not one, not two, but three products to you, gratis, for review, is plain-and-simply shiny, of multiple magnitudes.
4. You are my new "ask and ye shall receive" hero. Also, I hate you ;).
I really wish they'd have either some measurements so I can see if the sights would fit my guns, or a model specifically for the HK P7 series.
Just like the lasers, the package for the bayonet says "Accuracy Defined" on the bottom.
Reminds me of telling the military trainees that bayonets are fine accuracy enhancement tools. Mount it on your weapon, stick it in the target, and you'll rarely miss any shots. ;^)
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