Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Back from the Range...

Wow. Driving home from the range, it dawned on me that the local high school had just let out. All manners of cars, trucks, and SUVs being driven by texting, chatting, singing teenagers were weaving in and out of their lanes. In just a few short years TheBoy is going to start having friends with licenses/cars.

I'm hoping he'll be in military school by then...

That is all.


notDilbert said...

I was going to recommend the Military Academy that I attended from the 3rd grade thru high school, but somehow in the intervening years it’s been transformed into just another private school, and it even now admits girls!!!

Old NFO said...

Better hope he's frozen, then thawed after he turns 21 ;-)

C Kelsey said...

Lasers might help. Lasers help with everything.