Wednesday, December 30, 2009


in⋅con⋅gru⋅ous  /ɪnˈkɒŋgruəs/ [in-kong-groo-uhs]

1. out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming: an incongruous effect; incongruous behavior.
2. not harmonious in character; inconsonant; lacking harmony of parts: an incongruous mixture of architectural styles.
3. inconsistent: actions that were incongruous with their professed principles.
4. This:

Faneuil Hall, Boston MA

Yes, that is a Gadsden flag for sale at Faneuil Hall in Boston. The irony, she is thick here, no?

That is all.


Anonymous said...

However wierd isn't this a harrowing harbinger of hope at Harvard?

(I know, I know, but I was on a roll)

Shootin' Buddy

Borepatch said...

But it's a nice shade of yellow ...

Timmeehh said...

OK you lost me on this. From Wiki:

'It is sometimes referred to as "the Cradle of Liberty".'


'Faneuil Hall is also the headquarters of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts founded 1638.'

So the Gadsden flag seems appropriate, no?

Jay G said...

Because MA has gone from the "Cradle of Liberty" to where freedom died.

Because "Dont Tread on Me" has become "where's my handout".

Because in the state of MA, you face felony charges for possessing a single piece of brass from a firing range, yet convicted child molesters serve "up to" 3.5 years.

Basically, because this state sucks big hairy rocks right off the ground...