Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas, Part III

ASM826 shares a special Christmas memory. Go, read.

It's really interesting how closely his Christmas experience mirrors my own. Right down to the Tonka dumptruck (mine was a few years later, but not too many). The only difference was that we had a fake tree, owing to my parents' tradition of lighting the real tree on fire on New Year's Day. The year I was born, my dad lost all the hair on his arms and face because the INSTANT he touched the match to the tree, the whole tree went up at once. With a baby in the house and two smokers, they decided that plastic was the way to go.

We spent many years trying to color-match those stupid branches...

That is all.

1 comment:

ASM826 said...

That's a pretty funny story, right there. I have an image of your dad standing there like Wile E. Coyote with a crisped match in his hand.


Not that I ever stood a tree up in June and put a match to it. No sir, and my best friend Jimmy wasn't there when I didn't do it.