Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Parental Nightmare...

School Bus Driver Arrested For DUI
A school bus driver, allegedly high on drugs, has been suspended after witnesses saw her swerving along Route 20 in Auburn Tuesday morning.

Police say Lisa Delorto, 43, of Sutton had dropped her busload of students off at Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School, but a few hours later was seen driving erratically.

We're fortunate in that the bus driver for TheBoy and BabyGirl G. is a friend of the family (one of the benefits of small town living). Every time I see the bus pull up and there's a substitute driver, though, I'll wonder if they have a substance abuse problem after this story. One can only hope that the driver in question was sober when driving the kids to school; on the other hand, the fact that "a few hours later" she was too impaired to drive makes you wonder...

And can you blame me for thinking of a certain Springfieldian resident?

That is all.


Anonymous said...

My name is Otto, and I love to get blotto!

Shootin' Buddy

Weer'd Beard said...

A Family Member drives a school bus as one of his many CDL vocations.

There was one driver who stumbled into work stinking like a distillery. From what I gather they had him drive back to the bus lot where a supervisor was waiting with a breathalyzer.

See any problems with that procedure???

Jay G said...

Shootin' Buddy,

That's *EXACTLY* the quote I had in mind, actually...

I spent a not-inconsequential amount of time searching YouTube for a clip of that...


Nah, sounds perfectly union to me...