Thursday, December 3, 2009

Second Annual Northeast Blogger Dinner Update #1

Okay, with the Christmas season in full swing, I want to get particulars nailed down on the NE Blogger Winter Dinner sooner rather than later. So far, here's the skinny on the meeting so far:

What? Northeast Blogger Winter Gathering.

Who? Any and all bloggers, commenters, readers, lurkers, etc. in the Northeast area, or those passing through, or anyone crazy enough to show up.

When? January 2nd, 2010

Where? TBD - still trying to hash this out.

Why? Folks getting together to enjoy good food, great beer, and superlative company. Bring your appetite, a whistle for wetting, and your best stories to tell.


TOTWTYTR (or, as we like to call him now, GRAMPS) *g*

Possible Attendees:

The Big Guy
weer'd beard

Let's choose a general area (metrowest of Boston? Boston? Southern NH? I will selfishly state that, since I am organizing this shindig, I don't want to travel more than an hour or so from NE MA. I'd like to make it as convenient as possible for as many as possible. Right now we've got a little over a dozen folks either attending or possibly attending; with a group this size our options are wiiiide open. Brew pub, chain restaurant, mom-and-pop place; any of them should be able to accomodate us.

Let's pin down a location first, then we'll bicker and argue over the restaurant. Once we get that nailed down, everything else more or less falls into place.

As far as shooting before/after the dinner, I'd rather pass. I can't enjoy myself in a restaurant if I've got a couple grand worth of guns sitting in my truck; it's also several orders of magnitude more difficult to arrange a shooting event and an eating event together. Now, if we happen to choose a restaurant in Manchester, NH and folks want to go to the Firing Line beforehand, power to you.

Let's git-r-done first, though, and get the remaining pieces of this puzzle nailed down.

That is all.


Ross said...

If I'm in the area (might visit my oh-so-liberal sister for New Years), I'd like to attend, Jay.

and if you're looking for a good venue, I'd recommend Firefly's in Marlborough. Awesome BBQ, and a nice big function room you can use for large parties.

Anonymous said...

Well, if we are going to be selfish, West of Boston is better for me, and as I said before, I haterz on da big cities. No place to park the beast, for one thing. The list of attendees is more then fun enough to skip the shooting, but I'd offer a suggestion along those lines. How about a blogger snowball shoot in the dead of winter for the hardy souls?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and some sort of reasonable overnight accommodations near by. Looking at that list I suspect much good cheer will be consumed. :)

Unknown said...

I'm in, even though I strongly suspect you Massachussians will once again pick a locale that will force me to make the drive into hostile territory without my trusty heater.

Word verification: fedamsor!

Jay G said...


*You* of all people should know you're more than welcome.


I hatez the big cities at least as much as you do - remember, you're talking to the dude with an entire category of blog posts under the heading of "Road Rage" - so I'm in favor of that.

Manchvegas isn't too bad, and it's right on I93 for those coming south of Boston. Murphy's Taproom is available, as are numerous other venues in Manchester.

Or, as Ross points out, there's plenty of good places in mid-central eastern-ish MA.

And Marko, tell you what. You make the trek down, I'll bring my M13 as a BUG and if the ball drops she's yours... ;)

libertyman said...

Manchester NH is good here, I have gone to Jillian's sports bar, and that's not too far from Manchester Firing Line. Marlborough Mass is okay, sans guns anyway. Nashua and Martha's has been done, and is known. Perhaps a different venue is what people want? Any place is okay.As someone said "Have gun, will travel"!

The Big Guy said...


I've delayed my departure back to the sunny climes of Florida in order to socialize among the Yankee Bloggers...

Barring a weather system that causes a delay in the Winter Classic at Fenway on Jan 1, I'm in.

(The Big Guy)

Weer'd Beard said...

I'm in too!

NH sounds best to me.

I wouldn't mind Boston, as I could leave my heater at home, take the train in, and not be concerned about being in a bad condition to drive...then I thought about how much beer costs in Boston, and realized I likely wouldn't want to put the scratch down.

So I vote Manch.

C Kelsey said...

I'd love to be in, but the date is killing me since I'll be in California until the 3rd. I guess you'll have to burn some lead for me and have a drink or two (preferably *after* the shooting).

Paul, Dammit! said...

rrrr...I return to sea 2 days earlier, as always.

MedicMatthew said...

Slight modification to my availability. Apparently I'm working until 3pm on the 2nd, so I'll be there so long as I don't end up with a late call.

doubletrouble said...

KC's rib joint in Manchester?

Best BBQ in the NE, & IPA on tap...

Add me in for a mebbie.

Dragon said...

Count me as a maybe...gotta see what the wife has planned, and if the funds after the holidays will support a round-trip for a day...

TOTWTYTR said...

Nashua works well geographically, I don't know if people want a different restaurant though. Marlboro is a bit out west for people from NE MA, NH, and ME. Still, it might be the best overall location.

Boston is out (at least to me) due to parking, etc.

Bruce said...

Here's my belated "in".

I'm in.

Andrew said...

Obviously, I am in too. If it is in southern NH, more's the better.